Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

CNN headline news indicated the
immigration law still has a long
way to go! Hopefully we can still
buy 0.5 years of time!

may god bless America! god bless

quoted cnn,
" Tough negotiations expected over immigration. Senate's expected legalization plan likely to clash with House."
PendingN400 said:
The Sweilem case that is cited in many of the responses (against DA's motion to dismiss on jurisdiction related issues) under 8 USC 1444(b) is interestingly a petition involving multiple individuals. I do not have the opinion of the court - the Pacer simply has too many documents. Does any one know how to look for simply the court opinion? What might that be called in Pacer?
if you can find the case number, date and place where it is filed, the rest isnt that hard, i can do the rest if you like, as long as i got the right info, numbers, dates
rob waiter said:
CNN headline news indicated the
immigration law still has a long
way to go! Hopefully we can still
buy 0.5 years of time!

may god bless America! god bless

quoted cnn,
" Tough negotiations expected over immigration. Senate's expected legalization plan likely to clash with House."
thats what i thought, i have said once it is not going to be easy, because every one is very stiff about their position, and i think that this bill, is right in the middel of the most iteresting issues, not only for immigrants, but for americans too, either the ones who are vry compationate, and want to help the illigal immigrant, out of being nice, and generous, or have some ties with them, or the ones who feel at a disadvantages because people are comming from everywhere taking their jibs, and making theri lives misarables, it is very hard to find a middel ground between the two
syt said:
buggin, said904, and sakun

I just called Justin X. Wang (415) 576-9923. He charges US$ 3,500 + filing fee US$400. However, he said that it is too early for me to start with lawsuit. He asked me to call him after 120 days after interview. That is 08/11/2006. The chance to win this case of 1447(b) petition is 100%. I just can't wait to sue USCIS. Thansk a lot for providing me this information.

Just wondering though. You stated that chances of winning are 100%. Why spend 4 grand on a lawyer though? Well, unless money isn't an object of course. Even then, with the money you save, you can throw one hell of a party after you file pro se and get the citizenship. Skip the lawyer, you got EVERYTHING you need in this thread! IMHO, as a true internet nerd would say :)

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sfaizullah said:
An update: I did receive delivery confirmation receipt from US Attorney in Newark as well as Newark USCIS DO Director received complaint+exhibits+summons on 05/15/2006 and the 60 days clock is ticking... It is 5 months/150 days (exactly from my interview date).

I also received a reply from USCIS director in response to my letter that I sent a month ago… basically same thing… name check pending… blah blah blah… no help.

Best Regards

Another update: I did mail (via USPS Certified Return Receipt Requested) the return of service (did complete back of each summons) and wrote one page letter stating that "I certified that I sent Petition+Exhibits+Summons to the following on so&so date... and I listed the US Attorney and five defendants with their addresses." I included the originals per the court clerk.

I sent the exact copy to US Attorney (again via USPS Certified Return Receipt Requested).

Both parties should get them tomorrow.

Best Regards
rob waiter said:
CNN headline news indicated the
immigration law still has a long
way to go! Hopefully we can still
buy 0.5 years of time!

may god bless America! god bless

quoted cnn,
" Tough negotiations expected over immigration. Senate's expected legalization plan likely to clash with House."

I hate to disappoint you my friend...but sadly I've learn over the years that crooks and criminals have more rights than law obeying people :rolleyes: :eek:

look at this $hit:

God help you THE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, waiting in line with all those illegals
RealSuperK said:
Just wondering though. You stated that chances of winning are 100%. Why spend 4 grand on a lawyer though? Well, unless money isn't an object of course. Even then, with the money you save, you can throw one hell of a party after you file pro se and get the citizenship. Skip the lawyer, you got EVERYTHING you need in this thread! IMHO, as a true internet nerd would say :)



Thank you for your advice. I'd just like to know how much I am going to save/earn. I have decided to file 1447(b) petition pro se since the first day I read this thread. I am collecting all information for this lawsuit now. You'll see. I will file 1447(b) petition at the 121st after interview. Unless, I receive oath invitation before that.
only thing you are going to earn is american citizenship...dont take it for granted,you did not inherit forget about the earnings... ;)

syt said:

Thank you for your advice. I'd just like to know how much I am going to save/earn. I have decided to file 1447(b) petition pro se since the first day I read this thread. I am collecting all information for this lawsuit now. You'll see. I will file 1447(b) petition at the 121st after interview. Unless, I receive oath invitation before that.
God help you THE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, waiting in line with all those illegals [/COLOR] :eek:[/QUOTE]

Suzy, God bless the United States of Latinos.

I am going back to my country, I am not going to take this shit any more.
That's anonther crise for this gov. :mad:
Hey guys!
Thanks for your help and patience in answering my questions.
Guess who I was going to file with?
THE APPELATE COURT. D'oh, right? Well that's what happens when mere civilians plunge headfirst into this kind of thing!!!
I am so proud of all of you for your hard work.

But one thing. Please be kind to each other. MoMo is right; we are all confused scared worried tired uncertain and so let us forgive our trespasses, such as asking the same questions over and over again...It takes a while for all this stuff to crystallize and the more experienced/hopeful, stronger can prop up the poorer, tireder huddled ones in the mass...

And be kind to when being angered against the illegals. I know it seems unfair but I don't tink further division is good for America or humanity in the long run.

That certificate of interested parties? Do we really have to file that? I assumed I didn't because I am not filing with an attorney?
meshmesh said:
I am going back to my country, I am not going to take this shit any more.
That's anonther crise for this gov. :mad:


Please don't give up. USCIS does not equal Untied States. The spirit of U.S. is suing what is wrong for justice. Don't give up. Never give up.
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RealSuperK said:
Just wondering though. You stated that chances of winning are 100%. Why spend 4 grand on a lawyer though? Well, unless money isn't an object of course. Even then, with the money you save, you can throw one hell of a party after you file pro se and get the citizenship. Skip the lawyer, you got EVERYTHING you need in this thread! IMHO, as a true internet nerd would say :)


Don't you can get the attorney fee back from the goverment after winning the case?
ejb2k said:
Don't you can get the attorney fee back from the goverment after winning the case?

Yes you can ask for it. But if you get what you want (citizenship) and then you dismiss your won't get anything ;)
ejb2k said:
Don't you can get the attorney fee back from the goverment after winning the case?

No. The purpose of filing the 1447(b) petition for us is to force USCIS to settle this lawsuit by approving your application. We don't really want to go to the court for hearing. If you agree to settle your lawsuit by dismissing it, you can't get the defendants to pay for lawsuit. Then, you have to pay lawyer by youself.
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syt said:

Please don't give up. USCIS does not equal Untied States. The spirit of U.S. is suing what is wrong for justice. Don't give up. Never give up.

Thanks for the support,
I can't sue them. They cancelled my interview twice, for the famous Unforseen reasons, even though i am stucked in this name check shit for two years.
Do you think if i can sue thier asses, i would wait for one more minute.
I swear a god, if they interviewd me, i would file my WOM on the date # 119, 23 hours and 59 second.
meshmesh said:
Thanks for the support,
I can't sue them. They cancelled my interview twice, for the famous Unforseen reasons, even though i am stucked in this name check shit for two years.
Do you think if i can sue thier asses, i would wait for one more minute.
I swear a god, if they interviewd me, i would file my WOM on the date # 119, 23 hours and 59 second.


Frankly specking, I don't know if you can sue USCIS. I am not professional in law. It is really sad to see anyone not to fight with USCIS. We are all fighting with INS and then USCIS for many many years from F1, H1, ..., Green Card, and now US Citizenship. U.S. is a free land. It really worth us to do so. Do you ever try to find any help for immigration professional? If you still have legal status to stay in U.S., you should not give up.
meshmesh said:
Thanks for the support,
I can't sue them. They cancelled my interview twice, for the famous Unforseen reasons, even though i am stucked in this name check shit for two years.
Do you think if i can sue thier asses, i would wait for one more minute.
I swear a god, if they interviewd me, i would file my WOM on the date # 119, 23 hours and 59 second.
i think you can file WOM even if they didnt schedule you, or conduct your interview, it is gonna be a lolnger dhot to winn it, but as far as you concerned , you dont have anything to loos anyways, the worest that could happen you can lose the case.
the only thing you need to remember is that when you wanna sue for a new issue like this, it is for your best to have a good lawyer who knows how to use the existing laws, and policy to make a cinincing argument, since no one else have done it before.
all these if the new rules havent passed up by then, because it seem like it will make it harder for any one to sue them , even after the interview in being conducted, and the passage of the 120 days
femme said:
Hey guys!
Thanks for your help and patience in answering my questions.
Guess who I was going to file with?
THE APPELATE COURT. D'oh, right? Well that's what happens when mere civilians plunge headfirst into this kind of thing!!!
I am so proud of all of you for your hard work.

But one thing. Please be kind to each other. MoMo is right; we are all confused scared worried tired uncertain and so let us forgive our trespasses, such as asking the same questions over and over again...It takes a while for all this stuff to crystallize and the more experienced/hopeful, stronger can prop up the poorer, tireder huddled ones in the mass...

And be kind to when being angered against the illegals. I know it seems unfair but I don't tink further division is good for America or humanity in the long run.

That certificate of interested parties? Do we really have to file that? I assumed I didn't because I am not filing with an attorney?

I am going to LA downtown tomorrow, if you need help, send me privet massage with your phone #. I will be happy yo help you in anyway i can.
mohamedmohamed said:
am just saying that filing a certificate of service is a standard in all the court document i have seen, so i dont knopw why they should refuse o accept it, you should review you local civl procedures rules, unless they explicitly say it is not acceptable, you should be able to do it

I talked to the couty clerk in Seattle, he said I can't do that because the defendant's need the case number. The example you had is in Seattle, so it's confusing, I need to look at the local rules.
femme said:
Hey guys!
Thanks for your help and patience in answering my questions.
Guess who I was going to file with?
THE APPELATE COURT. D'oh, right? Well that's what happens when mere civilians plunge headfirst into this kind of thing!!!
I am so proud of all of you for your hard work.

But one thing. Please be kind to each other. MoMo is right; we are all confused scared worried tired uncertain and so let us forgive our trespasses, such as asking the same questions over and over again...It takes a while for all this stuff to crystallize and the more experienced/hopeful, stronger can prop up the poorer, tireder huddled ones in the mass...

And be kind to when being angered against the illegals. I know it seems unfair but I don't tink further division is good for America or humanity in the long run.

That certificate of interested parties? Do we really have to file that? I assumed I didn't because I am not filing with an attorney?
according the certificate of interested parties, i think if the court didnt ask you for it, then you dont need it.