Please add the quotes from the USCIS Ombudsman (Mr. Khatri) who thinks that name check provides no security and feels it should be done away with.
This is on page 36 of the report.
FBI Name Checks
(Annual Report pp. 37-45)
FBI name checks, one of the security screening tools used by USCIS, may be the single biggest obstacle to the timely and efficient delivery of immigration benefits. The problem of long-pending FBI name check cases worsened during the reporting period.
As of May 2007, USCIS reported 329,160 FBI name check cases pending;
Approximately 64% (211,341) of those cases have been pending more than 90 days and approximately 32% (106,738) have been pending more than one year;
There are now 93,358 more name check cases pending than last year, and 31,144 FBI name check cases pending more than 33 months as compared to 21,570 last year;
current FBI name check process relative to considerations of threat, vulnerability, and consequence.
The Ombudsman agrees with the assessment of many case workers and supervisors at USCIS field offices and service centers that the FBI name check process has limited value to public safety or national security, especially because in almost every case the applicant is in the United States during the name check process, living or working without restriction.
The Ombudsman recommended in the 2006 Annual Report (at p. 25) that the FBI name check process be re-examined. Delays in the name check process actually prolong an individual’s presence in the United States while the check is pending.
In this sense, the current USCIS name check policy may increase the risk to national security by extending the time a potential criminal or terrorist remains in the country.....
I am worried that if the Bill passes before my case is ripe enough for Legal action, there will be no recourse of any kind. I am thinking of sending the following e-mail to the President, Senators from my state who are currently working on the Immigration Bill. What do you guys think? I think if enough of us contact our congressmen, we may at least make our point:
" Thanks for your commitment and resolve to make Comprehensive Immigration reform a reality. I have the following request that I submit respectfully:
Thousands of good lawful immigrants are going thru untold misery because of delays in FBI Name Check process which is affecting their immigration processing. Many of these are people who never had a problem with the Law, paid their taxes, and stayed truthful to the laws of this country.
I read thru the bill and found that there is nothing in the Bill that addresses this specific problem. In fact, Section 531. subsection K removes the jurisdiction of courts to require that excessively delayed cases of Name Checks be expedited, which makes it worse for all the good people who are already suffering.
This great country has shown kindness to illegal immigrants by granting them a path to legalization. I request that similar kindness be extended to legal immigrants by providing a way to expedite background checks where there are inordinate delays. "