I am surprised that you received answer to your complaint in Jan and you have not yet started discovery. As soon as defandants file answer you automatically enter in to discovery phase. You are entitled to get all your record possessed by USCIS and FBI. I know that USCIS and FBI are always reluctant to produce these records but this does not mean that you can not get court order "NOTICE OF DEPOSITION AND SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM". You go ahead and get subpoena issued to local FBI office and USCIS office. set definate date usually it is 20 days after serving other party also serve copy to AUSA. This will put direct pressure on FBI local official who probabaly have any record about you in file or atleast it will get them moving to figure out who has record and just serving this order will get them moving.
Worst scenario is they will resist and pressure AUSA to file MTD but even in this case if you already served them with subpoena and due date is before your response to file response to MTD it will put them in situation where they have to respond to subpoena or call for hearing.
Now when you put pressure like this they as well just resolve your name check instead of spending time to resolve subpoena issues.
Now when you serve local FBI office use some professional server service who serve summons on court order behalf. Usually if FBI office is local they will charge some thing like 50 - 100$ for serving but they make sure that appropriate responsible person accept the summon in other words some officer or agent will receive the subpoena not mail receiving person at FBI office. It will get you prompt attention.
I do not have any sample in hand but you can find some in pacer if you look at other cases other then 1447(b) or WOM.
Hi Wenlock, thank you for the explaination. After I received the answer, we had a tele-conf with the judge and AUSA asked for 4 months extension and the judge granted it. That is why the end of discovery is at the end of July. I didn't realize I need to do more. :-( Thanks for the explaination and I will do a search on ""NOTICE OF DEPOSITION AND SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM" in pacer to see if I can find anything.
So, my understanding is I will put together a request and submit in person in Court and pay for the fee and they will submit the order to FBI and USCIS. Is that correct?
Thanks a lot!