Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

AL11 said:
Well how about if I do both, file a certificate of service with the initial complaint and when I get the summons send them againt with complaint and file the return receipt with the court?
that wouldnt hurt anything, but is it necessery probably not, then when are you going to start the countdowmn fot the response period, teh date the sommons was delivered, or the date you have sent,
mohamedmohamed said:
that wouldnt hurt anything, but is it necessery probably not, then when are you going to start the countdowmn fot the response period, teh date the sommons was delivered, or the date you have sent,

Good point, I will ask the court clerk on Monday.
Thanks a bunch
Guys (Mohamed, superK, Suzy, etc.),

some trivial questions after reading
Pub's "how-to-sue-USCIS 101".

1. who should print the summons?
the plaintiff or the court? any template file for summons?

2. after you file your orginal complaint with the court, how soon
would you expect to receive the summons?

3. when does the countdown begin?
(the day you mail the summons to
the defendants?)

4. can the plaintiffs in one case include a husband and a wife? or two persons must file separately?

many thanks!
Suzy977 said:
Don't worry, US Attorney is not a nobody working for USCIS...when they say something, even verbally, that's it...they are professionals, people of integrity and don't play dirty games.

Anyway, keep in mind, for your peace of mind, dismiss without prejudice

That's what I needed to hear. Thanks a lot for your reading my post and answering it.

rob waiter said:
Guys (Mohamed, superK, Suzy, etc.),

some trivial questions after reading
Pub's "how-to-sue-USCIS 101".

1. who should print the summons?
the plaintiff or the court? any template file for summons?

Depends, usually the Court Clerk sends you the Summons after a few days after you submit the original complaint. In some cases the Clerk hands you over the Summons when you file and also I've heard of case when the Plaintiff had print his/her own Summons and have the Clerk stamped them.

2. after you file your orginal complaint with the court, how soon
would you expect to receive the summons?

A few days, I don't know for sure...I was "unlucky" enough not to have my case file since I got My FBI Clearance 3 days before the planned filing date ;) :)

3. when does the countdown begin?
(the day you mail the summons to
the defendants?)

No, the day you have proof of service...and (I'm not 100% sure about this) you submit your proof of service to the Court.

4. can the plaintiffs in one case include a husband and a wife? or two persons must file separately?

I think you have to file separately...but once again, I'm not 100% sure about this :eek:

many thanks!
rob waiter said:
Guys (Mohamed, superK, Suzy, etc.),

some trivial questions after reading
Pub's "how-to-sue-USCIS 101".

1. who should print the summons?
the plaintiff or the court? any template file for summons?

2. after you file your orginal complaint with the court, how soon
would you expect to receive the summons?

3. when does the countdown begin?
(the day you mail the summons to
the defendants?)

4. can the plaintiffs in one case include a husband and a wife? or two persons must file separately?many thanks!

i dont have anything different than what Suzy have said about 1,2,3.
regarding 4, you have to find the relationship between the main beneficiery, and his/her dependents, this providing that one or more are dependent on the main one.
if there is no dependency relationship between the different beneficieries, then each one should have his own suit.
in case this dependency relationship exist, it would be premature to to try to establish a dependent the right for a benefit, before the main benefciery have aquired his own, because that is the principal element on which the depedant/s would even be entitled to such benfit,
in short
the main beneficiery have to aquire the benefit being sough-green card, ornaturalization- before the depedent can be techenically ask for the right of their derivative benefits.
a family memebers filing for teh same benefit, in a completely separate application, each one have to file on his own.
but on another, like we have recently, a bunch of peoples can file a law suit, against uscis, they dont even have to be related, but each plaitiff have to state separatly his/her own condition, and factual aspect of his/her own complaint, exemple is one case that was posted here not too long ago, in which a group of people suing the uscis over the delay, all in one complaint, how ever noe of these people is related to the other, and my guess that the court, will handel eacg case as a different , concidering the unique circumstance, and there for granting one or moe of this cases, doesnt autamically mean that the other is granted.
mohamedmohamed said:
i dont have anything different than what Suzy have said about 1,2,3.

Mohamedx2, apparently you spend a lot of time lately in this can call yourself a Permanent Resident of Publicus's thread :D :D

And since my buddy Publicus is not posting here anymore and I may "retire" some day (some s.o.b.'s are trying to have me banned :D :D ...but they can kiss my a$$, I'll leave when I want, not when little worms want :rolleyes: ) you and the other guys are the ones who keep this great thread alive.

Based on the experience you acquired I have to say it publicly, I believe you're more prepared and up to date than me :) ...(the last time when I was studying about these issues was back in January when I was thinking to sue CIS myself.)

These being said, I have to admit that I may not know to much, I'm trying to help as much as I can (even though I have no personal interest in this Citizenship forum) and please, if at times I'm wrong, don't hesitate to correct me, I hate the idea that I may give the wrong info to a poor desperate guy who may take my advice as a good one.

Actually this is the reason why I've changed my signature
;) :D :D
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great answers, thank you very much!

mohamedmohamed said:
i dont have anything different than what Suzy have said about 1,2,3.
regarding 4, you have to find the relationship between the main beneficiery, and his/her dependents, this providing that one or more are dependent on the main one.
if there is no dependency relationship between the different beneficieries, then each one should have his own suit.
in case this dependency relationship exist, it would be premature to to try to establish a dependent the right for a benefit, before the main benefciery have aquired his own, because that is the principal element on which the depedant/s would even be entitled to such benfit,
in short
the main beneficiery have to aquire the benefit being sough-green card, ornaturalization- before the depedent can be techenically ask for the right of their derivative benefits.
a family memebers filing for teh same benefit, in a completely separate application, each one have to file on his own.
but on another, like we have recently, a bunch of peoples can file a law suit, against uscis, they dont even have to be related, but each plaitiff have to state separatly his/her own condition, and factual aspect of his/her own complaint, exemple is one case that was posted here not too long ago, in which a group of people suing the uscis over the delay, all in one complaint, how ever noe of these people is related to the other, and my guess that the court, will handel eacg case as a different , concidering the unique circumstance, and there for granting one or moe of this cases, doesnt autamically mean that the other is granted.

You do not retire from this forum,


Suzy977 said:
Mohamedx2, apparently you spend a lot of time lately in this can call yourself a Permanent Resident of Publicus's thread :D :D

And since my buddy Publicus is not posting here anymore and I may "retire" some day (some s.o.b.'s are trying to have me banned :D :D ...but they can kiss my a$$, I'll leave when I want, not when little worms want :rolleyes: ) you and the other guys are the ones who keep this great thread alive.

Based on the experience you acquired I have to say it publicly, I believe you're more prepared and up to date than me :) ...(the last time when I was studying about these issues was back in January when I was thinking to sue CIS myself.)

These being said, I have to admit that I may not know to much, I'm trying to help as much as I can (even though I have no personal interest in this Citizenship forum) and please, if at times I'm wrong, don't hesitate to correct me, I hate the ide
a that I may give the wrong info to a poor desperate guy who may take my advice as a good one.

Actually this is the reason why I've changed my signature
;) :D :D
rob waiter said:

You do not retire from this forum,


Well, in comparison with other guys (i.e. joef, who lived here 24/7 and who probably got aroused when was abusing and insulting a poor member here)...I have my own life and I do this only for fun and to sincerely help when I can.
I can't forget how desperate I was back in November when I first discovered this forum.
My very good friend Publicus supported me and made me believe that I can defeat the big Government institutions USCIS and FBI...
In January 2006 I was sad :eek: :D :rolleyes: when I realized that I don't have to sue them.

I owe to the people I don't you, to pay back for what Publicus did for me.
I do my little part; One answer to a question, another time make someone to smile, then I encourage another one in distress, or a simple congratulation note...I got myself these messages from others and I know how important little things are.

This is the best, by far, thread in the forum, let's keep it that way.
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Suzy977 said:
Well, in comparison with other guys (i.e. joef, who lived here 24/7 and who probably got aroused when was abusing and insulting a poor member here)...I have my own life and I do this only for fun and to sincerely help when I can.
I can't forget how desperate I was back in November when I first discovered this forum.
My very good friend Publicus supported me and made me believe that I can defeat the big Government institutions USCIS and FBI...
In January 2006 I was sad :eek: :D :rolleyes: when I realized that I don't have to sue them.

I owe to the people I don't you, to pay back for what Publicus did for me.
I do my little part; One answer to a question, another time make someone to smile, then I encourage another one in distress, or a simple congratulation note...I got myself these messages from others and I know how important little things are.

This is the best, by far, thread in the forum, let's keep it that way.


Guess What? Beside the technicality and the expertise, I do enjoy you English language.

Take care!!
hello everybody

i was so exited when i decided to fle my case pro se, but iam so overwhelmed now , iam not sure if iam doing things right.

i have been waiting for any response to my post, but it seems like you guys know each other and you only reply to each other posts.

any way, i guess i need to find me a lawyer , i need help with this one . if anyone knows a good lawyer, please help

said904 said:
hello everybody

i was so exited when i decided to fle my case pro se, but iam so overwhelmed now , iam not sure if iam doing things right.

i have been waiting for any response to my post, but it seems like you guys know each other and you only reply to each other posts.

any way, i guess i need to find me a lawyer , i need help with this one . if anyone knows a good lawyer, please help


I've seen your post. I didn't have any comment about what you said there, seems to be OK.
The question you have about the Courts in Florida are beyond my knowledge...never been in Florida, so couldn't help you with anything about that.

But if you read this thread carefully, 2-3 times if necessary, you won't need a lawyer...most of the guys here filed Pro Se and won
Thank you all

Hello my friends, I need to thank everyone here and wish you all good luck. I took the oath of naturalization on 5/18 and became a US citizen. With God’s help and this forum, I made it. I used to write posts earlier in this forum when Publicus (THE GREAT) was here back in November 05 till January 06. I was one of the people who were stuck in name check. My interview was on 7/05 and my case waiting for background check.

After 3 months of my interview, I started to become very stressed as many of you. I kept searching in the net and I was fortune to find this forum back in 10/05. I got the idea of taking a legal action in 12/05 from Publicus who inspired me a lot. I hired a lawyer for my suit case in January. But my lawyer chose to write a letter of intent to US attorney with a grace period of 2 months till the beginning of April. During this time, I still was reading and working on my case. Prior to that (as many of you did), I had written to congressmen, senates, FBI, and CIS with no great help. I also filed a FOIPA and got the response with “no records”.

One day back in January I read the post by Suzy (THE GREAT 2) about her story and how she sent a letter to First lady that was effective. I sent a letter to First Lady on 1/30 explaining the hardships I had from the delay in Citizenship and how I had sought all other avenues including congress, FBI, and CIS before sending this letter. While I was approaching the end of the end of grace period with US attorney to file the suit (b1447), I received a letter from FBI stating that the letter I sent to First Lady was forwarded to them and they completed my background check and sent the results to CIS. I received that letter in the end of March. Then, I consulted Suzy again about what to do with CIS (after NC was cleared) and she advised me to “have my congressman on their tail”. I did what she said and in few days I was asked by senate office to re-take my finger prints in 2 weeks. Few days later, I learned that my oath was scheduled for 5/18.

Please keep this forum active to help people. This place is a simple of harmony and brotherhood. We may not know each other and despite the different colors, race, languages, or religion, the people in this forum have shown an example of care and support for each other. I am sure that someday soon there will be a great report in the media (TV, news, magazines) about this forum and the great help and legal education people are providing to each other. This forum is not a joke; it is a forum that helping and teaching many people to file a suit against the biggest government agent in US (Department of Homeland Security) to obtain their simple rights. At the time when the media recognize that, there will be a big report about it and people like Publicus, Suzy, Mohamed and earlier Sony and many others will be such stars.

Again, I need to thank everyone here. Special thanks to Publicus, Suzy, Bashar, Egyptian castle. I hope you all the best. Alhamdulillah (all praise to God).
alnoubi said:
Again, I need to thank everyone here. Special thanks to Publicus, Suzy, Bashar, Egyptian castle. I hope you all the best. Alhamdulillah (all praise to God).


Your post came exactly when I was talking about my "retirement" and about my "mission" here in this forum. You can't imagine how happy I am that another member benefited directly from my humble contribution here.

I remember back in November how I was teasing Publicus calling him "PuPlicus" since then you never got his name right :D :D :D

We had our share of fun here, and I always was looking for a reason to make fun and to laugh, and of course make the others to smile at least ;)

One think is for sure: If I knew this forum 16 years ago when I came in this country (ore something similar) I could have been American citizen many, many years ago...and teens of thousands of $ richer...not spending a small fortune on stupid and incompetent lawyers.
Suzy977 said:
Well, in comparison with other guys (i.e. joef, who lived here 24/7 and who probably got aroused when was abusing and insulting a poor member here)...I have my own life and I do this only for fun and to sincerely help when I can.
I can't forget how desperate I was back in November when I first discovered this forum.
My very good friend Publicus supported me and made me believe that I can defeat the big Government institutions USCIS and FBI...
In January 2006 I was sad :eek: :D :rolleyes: when I realized that I don't have to sue them.

I owe to the people I don't you, to pay back for what Publicus did for me.
I do my little part; One answer to a question, another time make someone to smile, then I encourage another one in distress, or a simple congratulation note...I got myself these messages from others and I know how important little things are.

This is the best, by far, thread in the forum, let's keep it that way.

Do you recommend the letter aproach to Mrs. Bush before filing a WOM. what kind of compeling reasons you need to mention in the letter to get the FBI attention. and do you send the letter to the white house address?
Also, do you think the new immigration bill will affect the ability to file WOM in the future against the FBI?
Suzy977 said:
Mohamedx2, apparently you spend a lot of time lately in this can call yourself a Permanent Resident of Publicus's thread :D :D

And since my buddy Publicus is not posting here anymore and I may "retire" some day (some s.o.b.'s are trying to have me banned :D :D ...but they can kiss my a$$, I'll leave when I want, not when little worms want :rolleyes: ) you and the other guys are the ones who keep this great thread alive.

Based on the experience you acquired I have to say it publicly, I believe you're more prepared and up to date than me :) ...(the last time when I was studying about these issues was back in January when I was thinking to sue CIS myself.)

These being said, I have to admit that I may not know to much, I'm trying to help as much as I can (even though I have no personal interest in this Citizenship forum) and please, if at times I'm wrong, don't hesitate to correct me, I hate the idea that I may give the wrong info to a poor desperate guy who may take my advice as a good one.

Actually this is the reason why I've changed my signature
;) :D :D
there you go, at a least a permenet residence i dont have to sue for.
i think you are great and so is everyone else here, it is a collective efforts, we all do ou aprt, either by providing some answer, and asking questions that stimulate the need for research, information gather, in either cases we all benefit.
like you said , it is what you owe back to this forum, exactly what i owe too, and everyone else.
and everyone have his/and her own reason of keeping up with this, mine is that i like to see the simple guy, aquire enough power, demand his/her rights, from whom ever, even if it was the governement.
but i have to admit, you do make very good points, and gice accurate information we all appreciate and need.
at least we have to give you the credit for sticking around even when have no interest of doing in suing anyone for anything, which demonstarte a genuine desire for helping the helpless.
this thread may have been started by publicus, but it certainly need far too many people to keep it a live, you have been one of those as far as i can rmember, so on behalf of everyone else, i like to thank you, and all the other unkown solidiers, who spend their time to provide and exchange information with all of us.
AL11 said:
Do you recommend the letter aproach to Mrs. Bush before filing a WOM. what kind of compeling reasons you need to mention in the letter to get the FBI attention. and do you send the letter to the white house address?
Also, do you think the new immigration bill will affect the ability to file WOM in the future against the FBI?
am not SUZY, but i guess she dont mind me steaaling her questions.
a letter to the white house, you can write it because it could hurt anything, but is it gonna have magic effect on the fbi, may be not.
the new bittl will effect WOM,
mohamedmohamed said:
am not SUZY, but i guess she dont mind me steaaling her questions.
a letter to the white house, you can write it because it could hurt anything, but is it gonna have magic effect on the fbi, may be not.
the new bittl will effect WOM, am sure it will, and i expected it to effect the 1447 too,it is something the uscis been asking for ever since they got jammed with these backlog of nam checks, and now sound like a good time for them to stick it in , since every is concerned with immigration , and immigrant, so what we have now , may not last too long.
the gurus in this thread have been great to make
this thread the most exciting and friendliest
one in this forum. I guess the reason is, unlike somewhere else, people come to this thread to seek answers, help and eoncouragement.

please keep it up.

mohamedmohamed said:
there you go, at a least a permenet residence i dont have to sue for.
i think you are great and so is everyone else here, it is a collective efforts, we all do ou aprt, either by providing some answer, and asking questions that stimulate the need for research, information gather, in either cases we all benefit.
like you said , it is what you owe back to this forum, exactly what i owe too, and everyone else.
and everyone have his/and her own reason of keeping up with this, mine is that i like to see the simple guy, aquire enough power, demand his/her rights, from whom ever, even if it was the governement.
but i have to admit, you do make very good points, and gice accurate information we all appreciate and need.
at least we have to give you the credit for sticking around even when have no interest of doing in suing anyone for anything, which demonstarte a genuine desire for helping the helpless.
this thread may have been started by publicus, but it certainly need far too many people to keep it a live, you have been one of those as far as i can rmember, so on behalf of everyone else, i like to thank you, and all the other unkown solidiers, who spend their time to provide and exchange information with all of us.