Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

I disagree I think Mandamus is some thing that no law can stop. It is extreme measure by court system to compel some one to do some thing. We use federal question register with APA to enforce jurisdiction. No immigration law change will effect this measure. So WOM is always available as long as you can convince the judge that waiting time is unreasonable.

They might close loop hole of 1447b and add some thing in the language that Attorney Journal can withhold adjudication if background check are pending and courts does not have jurisdiction if background check is the reason for delay.

I do not think that WOM applicant has any thing to worry about at this point.


You are right if one can find a clear definition of "unreasonable time". At this point, we all saw how some judges consider 4 and 5 years "reasonable time".

WHat I think may happen, it really will depend on the judge and without any new time constrants, will give extra grounds to deny WOM in AOS cases.

But I am sure, it will still be possible to fight, one just have to really dig the law or get a really good laywer. (Well, if I had to I'd be prepared to fight it)

Need help on how file a opposition on US Attoney movtion


I just got a package from the US attorney for motion to dismiss my I-485 name check complaint, mandamus. Can you please let me know how to write a opposition? Any sample on tis board or in PACER system? My case is in Northern CA.

BTW, my I-485 was turned in April 2004. Still pending on FBI name check.

Thanks a lot!

Paz, thank you for your comment.

I wrote a legal framework part in my 1447 petition which I wanted to show you. The reason I think it is good within the text is it provides (or at least attempts to ) the clear basis for your complaint and hopefully eliminates some stupid arguments about no venue/jurisdiction/etc. If anyone finds some ideas useful feel free to use them!

I'd appreciate your comments on this.


Please find attached your file with my comments added in red.
Please find attached your file with my comments added in red.
Dear Paz1960:

Excellent comments and right to the point! Many thanks for your time and your continuous effort helping us through our ordeals with USCIS/FBI! People like you settling in this land make me think that may be it is not going to end up like Roman Empire.

Thanks again!
Yesterday I received the reply from FBI for Foipa in regular mail :
Based on the information furnished, a search of the automated indices to our central records system files at fbi headquaters located no records responsive to Foipa request to indicate you have been of investigotery interest to the fbi.The aitomated idices is an index is an index to all records.
Any comments please.

This means they nothing on u.

I really appreciate your comments, Thank you very much!

My question is, most of my remarks are very close to the original statues, so I don't understand your logic when you disagreed with some of them.

I placed my remarks under your remarks in the text, would you mind reviewing them again? I guess either I have major misunderstanding of something or perhaps you misunderstood my points, in that case, I definitely have to change them!

About my husband's story, it's vanilla flavor 1447(b), interview passed in May 2004, nc pending ever since, Reside in California.

Thank you again!


I really appreciate your comments, Thank you very much!

My question is, most of my remarks are very close to the original statues, so I don't understand your logic when you disagreed with some of them.

I placed my remarks under your remarks in the text, would you mind reviewing them again? I guess either I have major misunderstanding of something or perhaps you misunderstood my points, in that case, I definitely have to change them!

About my husband's story, it's vanilla flavor 1447(b), interview passed in May 2004, nc pending ever since, Reside in California.

Thank you again!


As I see it, there is one main source for the difference between your interpretation and mine. Although the problem is only 'academic' in your husband's case, because as you wrote, he already had his interview, it is still worth to clarify this for the benefit of others who may want to use your document.

You state that "4) USCIS must process these applications within reasonable and specified time". I believe that you are implicitely think about the phase AFTER the interview. For that phase it is true: according to 1447(b) USCIS has 120 days to adjudicate the application, after that applicant can file a complaint in the district court where s/he resides for a judiciar review.

But more generally, there is no mandatory timeframe how long USCIS can conduct an investigation and do all the other things they do BEFORE they call you for an interview. This is the interval between filing the N-400 application and the interview. That's why I disagreed with you at this point. If they interviewed the applicant, they triggered their 120 day limit (if the judge doesn't buy USCIS' argument that "examination" is a process, rather than a single event and contains also the name check). But if USCIS didn't interview the applicant (like in wenlock's case), the only remaining argument to attack their inaction is the mandamus act and APA and in this case you have to demonstrate the well known 3 things, which is more complicated, because what is unreasonable, is discretionary.

And arguing that USCIS can interview the applicant only after they conducted the full criminal background check doesn't really help. They will admit that they interviewed the applicant "to work ahead the curve", but they are right when they claim that they can't adjudicate the applicant's case before the full criminal background check is not done, because Congress mandated this in the FY98 autorization act.

So, returning to your husband's specific case, all what you wrote is correct, but with these specifications: USCIS has to adjudicate (instead of process) the application in 120 days after the examination, the district court gains exclusive jurisdiction because you are in the 9th Circuit jurisdiction and there is the US v. Hovsepian decision which is law in this jurisdiction. And you will need to make your case that the interview was the examination; the name check is not part of the examination, it is part of the investigation what USCIS conducts on each applicant.

These things seem like I'm splitting the hair, but in legal matters even small differences in the wording make large difference in the meaning and final output.
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Has anyone else heard about this? According to a very reliable source, it's happening any day now that USCIS will take over the name check sometime in March 2007. I am not sure if this will speed things up or the same ol' same ol'...

Can you specify your source of info? I suspect that there is some misunderstanding here. USCIS will have a new central database system where they will keep track of all the background check requests and the progress of these checks (actually, I thought that this was supposed to start January 1, 2007).

In my opinion, it is unlikely that the USCIS would gain full access to the FBI complete file system and they would take over the whole background check process from FBI.

I just got a package from the US attorney for motion to dismiss my I-485 name check complaint, mandamus. Can you please let me know how to write a opposition? Any sample on tis board or in PACER system? My case is in Northern CA.

BTW, my I-485 was turned in April 2004. Still pending on FBI name check.

Thanks a lot!


Log into pacer and go to eastern district of michigan and look for case ibrahim vs chertoff. That has a opposition to motion to dismiss. There may be other cases too, if you look thru this thread.
Could someone help?

Sorry to repost this qeuestion. But it is an urgent decision to make and I really appreciate you sharing your insights.

This is an incredible thread, I wish I knew this before I sent my lawsuit (I-485 filed in Aug. 2003, WOM filed in Dec. 2006). But even now it is still helping me a lot in the ongoing battle.

Here is my case story. The attorney filed a motion for dismiss (MD) two weeks ago. I am writing the oppossition and expect to file it within a couple of days. Interestingly, several days after the MD, I received a letter from the court asking us to deveop a proposed discovery plan, and submit joint status report. The judge also mentioned the MD and said "if the parties do not find it necessary to conduct discovery to support or oppose this motion, the Court will stay discovery pending its ruling on the motion." Of course I like to have the discovery and JSR.

Reading through the thread, I find flaws in my original comlaint: 1. I did not include FBI in the defendant list; - now I want to add it 2. I request in the prayer that "defendant provide Plaintiff with notice of approval" - now I want to get rid of this item of request.

Here is my dilemma. I want to make motion to amend complaint. But if I do so, I am afraid I am back to square one, is that true? Will the judge's order of discovery plan and JSR still be valid? I appreciate the collective brains on the forum very much. Could you share your thoughts and advice with me? Should or shouldn't I amend complaint?

I will keep you posted on future progress.
Sorry to repost this qeuestion. But it is an urgent decision to make and I really appreciate you sharing your insights.

This is an incredible thread, I wish I knew this before I sent my lawsuit (I-485 filed in Aug. 2003, WOM filed in Dec. 2006). But even now it is still helping me a lot in the ongoing battle.

Here is my case story. The attorney filed a motion for dismiss (MD) two weeks ago. I am writing the oppossition and expect to file it within a couple of days. Interestingly, several days after the MD, I received a letter from the court asking us to deveop a proposed discovery plan, and submit joint status report. The judge also mentioned the MD and said "if the parties do not find it necessary to conduct discovery to support or oppose this motion, the Court will stay discovery pending its ruling on the motion." Of course I like to have the discovery and JSR.

Reading through the thread, I find flaws in my original comlaint: 1. I did not include FBI in the defendant list; - now I want to add it 2. I request in the prayer that "defendant provide Plaintiff with notice of approval" - now I want to get rid of this item of request.

Here is my dilemma. I want to make motion to amend complaint. But if I do so, I am afraid I am back to square one, is that true? Will the judge's order of discovery plan and JSR still be valid? I appreciate the collective brains on the forum very much. Could you share your thoughts and advice with me? Should or shouldn't I amend complaint?

I will keep you posted on future progress.

You can file motion to dismiss and during that motion request Judge to withdraw your relief where it ask for approval and only leave relief where it asks for adjudication. Also add defendent FBI and in relief section add line like "order writ in the nature of mandamus to compel FBI to complete pending background check in 15 days and USCIS adjudicate plaintifff's application in 15 days after FBI finishes background check on plaintiff".

This will cover your both flaws in your complaint. Did defendents filed Real ID act in motion to dismiss or not? I believe they will if you ask for approval letter in your relief.

You can ask Judge if he considers asking for approval is descretionary measure by uscis then you would like to withdraw relief section where plaintiff is asking for approval of application and like to leave only adjudication of application in relief section.
You can file motion to dismiss and during that motion request Judge to withdraw your relief where it ask for approval and only leave relief where it asks for adjudication. Also add defendent FBI and in relief section add line like "order writ in the nature of mandamus to compel FBI to complete pending background check in 15 days and USCIS adjudicate plaintifff's application in 15 days after FBI finishes background check on plaintiff".

This will cover your both flaws in your complaint. Did defendents filed Real ID act in motion to dismiss or not? I believe they will if you ask for approval letter in your relief.

You can ask Judge if he considers asking for approval is descretionary measure by uscis then you would like to withdraw relief section where plaintiff is asking for approval of application and like to leave only adjudication of application in relief section.

Thanks so much for the reply, Wenlock. No, the attorney did not mention Real ID act (at least not that exact word, what is that?). He did use 5 USC §701 (a) (2) to say angecy action is "committed to agency discretion by law." We are talking about an assistant US attorney. He is nice and expressed his sympathy to me. However, I feel he is doing whatever his client ask him to do for whatever reason. I don't think he has pushed for name check for my case at all.

Your suggestion sounds great. There is one thing I don't understand though. You suggest to do the two things (add defendant and revise prayer) in my opposition to the Motion to Dismiss. Is it correct procedure-wise by law? My previous understanding was that one needs a seperate motion to amend complaint.

Also, I like your suggestion to ask Judge. But how did you communicate with Judge regarding this kind of questions? I thought the Judge would not communicate with either party privately.

Regardless of these remaining questions, I feel much better now because you helped me make my decision. Thanks.
Joint Status Report

Sorry to repost this qeuestion. But it is an urgent decision to make and I really appreciate you sharing your insights.

I received a letter from the court asking us to deveop a proposed discovery plan, and submit joint status report. The judge also mentioned the MD and said "if the parties do not find it necessary to conduct discovery to support or oppose this motion, the Court will stay discovery pending its ruling on the motion." Of course I like to have the discovery and JSR.
I will keep you posted on future progress.

Hi MidofFighting!

Just don't worry. I agree with Wenlock suggestion regarding amending your complaint. That is really important. Regarding JSR you should stress on discovery although your AUSA is not going to like to have it. Since my case went to that stage but thanks to Almighty Allah it was approved after filing of JSR, I am posting my JSR here. The stipulations that AUSA made were strong including REAL ID ACT and Soverign immunity. I read this forum and PACER and came up with this report. It is my understanding that BOTH parties have to agree to wavie discovery. So you should call AUSA ans tell him that you would like him to send you his stipulations for JSR and answer him accordingly. But even before that you will need to respond the MTD withing the due time period. There are enough I-485 cases for response to MTD. Let me know if you want me to dig into my zip drive.

I have been waiting for my name check for about 1.5 years and have done senator enquiries/attorney enquiries. I'm still in process of collecting more evidence for my WOM case.

Can someone who has been reading all cases/ or has experience tell me whether I really need to have FOIPA result as well as result of letter to first lady as exhibits in my case?? I know what their result would be. So should I file FOIPA or should I directly go for WOM??

Thanks in advance.
I have been waiting for my name check for about 1.5 years and have done senator enquiries/attorney enquiries. I'm still in process of collecting more evidence for my WOM case.

Can someone who has been reading all cases/ or has experience tell me whether I really need to have FOIPA result as well as result of letter to first lady as exhibits in my case?? I know what their result would be. So should I file FOIPA or should I directly go for WOM??

Thanks in advance.

You have waited long enough. Here is what I do send FOIPA to FBi and letter of intent to sue to US attorney. prepare your complaint meanwhile within 30 days you will get some thing from FBI FOIPA and also you have given 30 days to US attorney office. If nothing happens in 30 days file WOM. Remember you need to show to court you exchausted all remedies in case of WOM. Like writing to FBI and USCIS. Letter for intent to sue is also good to have. WOM are getting little tough it is very important to prepare well.

and please do not ask for approval letter in relief section of your complaint. Only ask for Adjudication of your petition.
You have waited long enough. Here is what I do send FOIPA to FBi and letter of intent to sue to US attorney. prepare your complaint meanwhile within 30 days you will get some thing from FBI FOIPA and also you have given 30 days to US attorney office. If nothing happens in 30 days file WOM. Remember you need to show to court you exchausted all remedies in case of WOM. Like writing to FBI and USCIS. Letter for intent to sue is also good to have. WOM are getting little tough it is very important to prepare well.

and please do not ask for approval letter in relief section of your complaint. Only ask for Adjudication of your petition.

Wenlock, why would you send the letter of intent to sue to the US Attorney's Office and not to USCIS? I thought that US Attorney's Office enters in the picture only after a lawsuit is initiated. Till that moment they don't have a case, they are not involved in any way in the adjudication process (not even at the level as FBI is involved in doing, or to be more precise: not doing the background check). So if there is no court registered complaint, they don't have a case, they can't assign it to any AUSA so practically how can they do anything?

But because I totally lost the confidence that these letters of intent to sue do any good besides showing that you tried everything possible, probably doesn't matter where you are sending them...
Two Quick Questions!

Hello Paz, Wenlock, and All!
I am going to file my 1447b next week. 1) Does anyone know the new list of USCIS District Dirctors. I have the old list, but director in my district has recently changed and not surprisingly, when I called the USCIS, they do not even know the name of the old director. I got it from the internet.

2) I was NOT interviwed in the main office of my district and District Director's office is in the main office. Should I include the Officer In-Charge(where I was interviwed) as a defendent. or just the District Director. I know I have to include DD as an defendent, but not sure about officer in charge.
Please reply! Tahnk you all
Hi MidofFighting!

Just don't worry. I agree with Wenlock suggestion regarding amending your complaint. That is really important. Regarding JSR you should stress on discovery although your AUSA is not going to like to have it. Since my case went to that stage but thanks to Almighty Allah it was approved after filing of JSR, I am posting my JSR here. The stipulations that AUSA made were strong including REAL ID ACT and Soverign immunity. I read this forum and PACER and came up with this report. It is my understanding that BOTH parties have to agree to wavie discovery. So you should call AUSA ans tell him that you would like him to send you his stipulations for JSR and answer him accordingly. But even before that you will need to respond the MTD withing the due time period. There are enough I-485 cases for response to MTD. Let me know if you want me to dig into my zip drive.


Hi, sfdurrani,

Thanks for the attached JSR report - a great tempelate for me. I followed the thread closely and did find your earlier posts with many good response examples. Thank you. I will come back when I have more quesitons or updates.

Congratulations on your well deserved victory in the end.

Wenlock, why would you send the letter of intent to sue to the US Attorney's Office and not to USCIS? I thought that US Attorney's Office enters in the picture only after a lawsuit is initiated. Till that moment they don't have a case, they are not involved in any way in the adjudication process (not even at the level as FBI is involved in doing, or to be more precise: not doing the background check). So if there is no court registered complaint, they don't have a case, they can't assign it to any AUSA so practically how can they do anything?

But because I totally lost the confidence that these letters of intent to sue do any good besides showing that you tried everything possible, probably doesn't matter where you are sending them...

My BAD I meant to say letter of intent to USCIS and copy same to local US attorney. I know it will not work but it is another good exhibit in your complaint. You tried to resolved case before going to court. I am not saying that sending letter will resolve your case but it will give another good reason to show to court you are trying to resolve matter before coming to court
About I485 lawsuit and motion to dismiss

Hi All,

I filed a WOM last Oct to sue the US agencies for delaying my I485 application. The US attorney required two extensions to respond to my complaint and I did not object to her request. Recently she filed a memorandum on motion to dismiss and her arguments are definitely unconvincing. Right now I just wanted to fight back.

I did the lawsuit by myself. I don't know if there is a place I can obtain legal framework to argue against some generic issues raised by US attorney. Thanks a lot.

My name check by FBI seems completed in Jan 2007. USICS started the ISIS check, another background and security check on the day when the US attorney filed a mition to dismiss.