Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

khalafah2000 said:
I had my interview on May 11 and my worst nightmare came true; name check.

yesterday, i met my lawyer who filed my citizenship case. He advised me strongly not to file the lawsuit after 120 days. As the same time, he acknowkedged that it may take forever for the name check. Obviously not the kind of answer, i was looking for.

would it be too much to handle the 1447(b) by myself or better to hire a lawyer? For me, getting citizenship is even more important since my wife case is dependent on it(i married after getting my green card; i am sure that rest of the story should be obvious to everyone).

Also should i ask my congressman to write letters to them also? Would these letters help in the lawsuit?

do not listen to your current lawyer...count the days and file your not wait. I hired a lawyer becuse I am like you ( want to bring my wife here).
khalafah2000, why did your lawyer advise you not to file a lawsuit after 120 days? I am in the same situation, and about 6 months have passed since my interview. I am thinking about a lawsuit, however I do not want to waste money and mainly time, if it is not going to work anyway.

Thank you very much.

My timeline is:
PD: june 2005
FP: July 19 2005
Interview: Dec 8 2005
Still waiting !!!!

I guess the AUSA's answer is like a motion to dismiss the
case (right, gurus?).
you may want to check the court to see if a reply is needed.
If not, you may want to go to the discovery stage and present
your requirements for the AUSA (e.g. name check records.
this is like a circular argument- if they can sort out the name check, this suit
is not necessary. anyway, you may want make these claims)

by the way, the document you attached look great. file it only
when you make sure of the next steps!


RealSuperK said:
I exchanged a couple of emails with her and looked her up on the net. It sounds like she's a pretty good immigration attorney. Actually, I think after she realized that I'm not some helpless guy who can barely speak English and doesn't know what's going on, she went into a more of helping mode than "you need a lawyer to deal with this!" mode. She's a Russian herself, so I guess now I know why she wrote me.

Anyway, I might actually take her up on the advise. She said that Missouri doesn't require me to file an answer to their answer, and she wouldn't file the memo I was working on. Not because it sucked, but because she wouldn't wanna open her cards too soon. She told me that I should contact AUSA, start the discovery process and file my memo as the motion for summary judgement after the discovery is done. I think all this makes sense. Meanwhile, attached is the memo with exhibits. I guess it will become my motion for summary judgement.

Now the question is... what should I ask for in the discovery process? Obviously, my A file. Obviously, all paperwork related to my name/background check. I'm gonna ask for documentation of my interview with FBI 6 years ago. I also plan on asking for all documents that I'm gonna use as exhibits in this case. Not that I don't have them already, I just want them to start thinking that they are not dealing with a moron. Can I ask for Jessica Alba's phone number while I'm at it? Kidding :)

On the other note, I have NO idea what they possibly can ask me in the discovery process. They got everything I can possibly give them. I can't think of a single thing they don't have on me.

Can anyone please help with this? Haddy, what happened to your motion to seal docket?

pharmboy said:
Hi Guys

After I called the clerk on my case, since I have all my personal information in the exhibits, he suggested me to file a motion to seal docket. So I did. today after I checked my case on pacer, I found that they arranged a motion hearing for me on June 5. Is this normal? I mean, it is just a simple motion for sealing the docket, the judge can just rule without the hearing.
to ls691035 and others too

ls691035 said:
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for the tread, links and inspiration! I am stuck in namecheck more than 15 months now (AoS), and I am ready to file!

Next week I have one more infopass appointment to hear the same bs, after that I'll write to ombudsman, and meanwhile prepare the WOM and before the end of the May will file it. One more to the boat!

Real thanks!
I have been waiting on this namecheck shit for the past 13-14 months too .My case is AOS too. I spoke to a few attorneys to se if my case can be considered strong enough to file a WOM and no one could assure me that the winning chances are high.Their common opininon was that 13 -14 months is not a very long waiting time especially for AOS since there is no mandated time period whithin which CIS has to adjudicate the case(unlike naturalization cases where the 120 days is mandated after the interview). I have decided to wait for atleast a year more.

what do you think??
sfaizullah said:
Another an update. I received summons with case number and seal on them along with receipt for $350 and my complained also stamped with case number from clerk. I served the complaint (plus exhibits) and summons via CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED on all defendants and the US attorney office (Newark, NJ).

I also received a letter from senator office stating that USCIS can not expedite my name check (blah blah blah).. with a most bizarre note saying that they (USCIS) asked them to inform me to stop going to different elected officials for same matter (I first went to my Congressman then to one of the senators)… well, I will stop if they do their job!!! And I thought that the senator and congressman offices are on our side???? For a moment I thought that I ask them (Senator office since they acted as messengers) to inform USCIS to do their job in time as specified by the congress of this country who is cutting their check every month!!! But then I thought it is waste of time… Let court remind them about their duties. I believe for folks who just go to Congressman’s office and/or to their Senators, I now am pretty sure that they do not help and it is just cosmetics… so maybe spare your energy for court fight. Just my thoughts… I did it just if asked by court then I can tell them I tried.

Best Regards

An update: I did receive delivery confirmation receipt from US Attorney in Newark as well as Newark USCIS DO Director received complaint+exhibits+summons on 05/15/2006 and the 60 days clock is ticking... It is 5 months/150 days (exactly from my interview date).

I also receive a reply from USCIS director in response to my letter that I sent a month ago… basically same thing… name check pending… blah blah blah… no help.

Best Regards
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hadenuf said:
I have been waiting on this namecheck shit for the past 13-14 months too .My case is AOS too. I spoke to a few attorneys to se if my case can be considered strong enough to file a WOM and no one could assure me that the winning chances are high.Their common opininon was that 13 -14 months is not a very long waiting time especially for AOS since there is no mandated time period whithin which CIS has to adjudicate the case(unlike naturalization cases where the 120 days is mandated after the interview). I have decided to wait for atleast a year more.

what do you think??

Hi, here are few cases of AoS WOM on this tread. Looks like attorneys are not a great help in cases of WOM - most of the cases here are self-filled (per se). My case is current for half a year at least, and now they are processing oct. 2005 cases, mine is february. In light of that FBI can make any NC in 48 hours, and majority of cases are done in a few months, - I think my 15 months are completely ridiculous. Yes, some people wait for 16 years - so what? I would rather go back to my home country in case of denial, when wait one or more year in uncertainty. Let's see what they have to tell me :p .

BigK, I am from Russia as well
khalafah2000 said:
I had my interview on May 11 and my worst nightmare came true; name check.

yesterday, i met my lawyer who filed my citizenship case. He advised me strongly not to file the lawsuit after 120 days. As the same time, he acknowkedged that it may take forever for the name check. Obviously not the kind of answer, i was looking for.

would it be too much to handle the 1447(b) by myself or better to hire a lawyer? For me, getting citizenship is even more important since my wife case is dependent on it(i married after getting my green card; i am sure that rest of the story should be obvious to everyone).

Also should i ask my congressman to write letters to them also? Would these letters help in the lawsuit?

A lot of lawyers prinicipally don't involve themselves in helping plaintiffs who sue the Government (though I find it kind of hard to understand: filing 1447b petition is simply exercising a right for a hearing after 120 days). Some others wouldn't mind but would want large money in return. No success guaranteed though.

Experience shows that writing to congressmen/women and senators doesn't usually help (a lot of evidence on this thread).

I suggest you either file Pro Se or try to find a good lawyer. If you choose Pro Se, start with careful reading Publicus' instructions at the begginning of this thread.

Good luck.
RealSuperK said:
Did you ever ask your lawyer why he thinks you shouldn't be filing the lawsuit?
yes, i did ask.
He said that very likely I will lose since it is a case against Government and he is not willing to discuss any further. He has filed this kind of lawsuit only once in his whole life and in his opinion, it is a waste of time and money. He thinks that the best strategy is just to wait and wait ..., which to be honest, i am not willing to do.

I have absolutely perfect record during the last 5 years. Paid lots of money in taxes, have no record of any sort etc. The only thing is that I travelled to Pakistan many times in the last 5 years since my wife was there, though my trips were always less than six months and i spent well over 3 years in USA in the last 5 years.
khalafah2000 said:
yes, i did ask.
He said that very likely I will lose since it is a case against Government and he is not willing to discuss any further. ....

I filed Pro Se and won. So (before me) did Publicus, marylander, horiba, olgat, and many others. We didn't lose, we won.

Consider firing your lawyer.
ls691035 said:
Hi, here are few cases of AoS WOM on this tread. Looks like attorneys are not a great help in cases of WOM - most of the cases here are self-filled (per se). My case is current for half a year at least, and now they are processing oct. 2005 cases, mine is february. In light of that FBI can make any NC in 48 hours, and majority of cases are done in a few months, - I think my 15 months are completely ridiculous. Yes, some people wait for 16 years - so what? I would rather go back to my home country in case of denial, when wait one or more year in uncertainty. Let's see what they have to tell me :p .

BigK, I am from Russia as well

Are you EB-2 or EB-3??. My case is EB-2 and I am from India and my 485 was filed in mid April '05. Have been stuck in this hellhole since then (atleast that is what the replies from USCIS say). My case was current between april and Sept last year (before the dates retrogressed) and now they are again current since april this year.This makes it current for about 7 months now.

In my opinion, the key to getting a successful decision would depend on how well we can defend the case if the US attorney defending CIS replies back saying that 15 months is a reasonable amount of time considering the back log blah blah.... and especially so since the case is AOS (and not naturalization) and that there is no set time limit.

Anways, good luck with your filing and please continue to post your case progress. May the force be wth you!!
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One thing to be considered

hadenuf said:
Are you EB-2 or EB-3??. My case is EB-2 and I am from India and my 485 was filed in mid April '05. Have been stuck in this hellhole since then (atleast that is what the replies from USCIS say)

Anways, good luck with your filing and please continue to post your case progress. May the force be wth you!!
Hello Hadenuf and Is619035

I just chip in my opinion/ expereinces. When you said you're stucked in name check, did you get any documentations stating that? I asked because a year after my interveiw I e-mails to the FBI and the first answer signed by David M. hardy was stated that I'm not on the databese. It was take another six months before the FBI was able to located my file. That quiet intimidated. I wondered if anyone will ever noticing that there is a file with my name on it, if I ever spend many hours e-mailing and calling them???

That what happened to me hopfully your would be in differen side,

Best regards,
hadenuf said:
Are you EB-2 or EB-3??. My case is EB-2 and I am from India and my 485 was filed in mid April '05. Have been stuck in this hellhole since then (atleast that is what the replies from USCIS say). My case was current between april and Sept last year (before the dates retrogressed) and now they are again current since april this year.This makes it current for about 7 months now.

In my opinion, the key to getting a successful decision would depend on how well we can defend the case if the US attorney defending CIS replies back saying that 15 months is a reasonable amount of time considering the back log blah blah.... and especially so since the case is AOS (and not naturalization) and that there is no set time limit.

Anways, good luck with your filing and please continue to post your case progress. May the force be wth you!!

I am EB2, my responses from USCIS were "expect processing in 60 days" (never happened), learned about namecheck on infopass appt. People are getting it done with WOM, I hope not to be different in this respect :) :p .

Good luck to us all!
cuties said:
Hello Hadenuf and Is619035

I just chip in my opinion/ expereinces. When you said you're stucked in name check, did you get any documentations stating that? I asked because a year after my interveiw I e-mails to the FBI and the first answer signed by David M. hardy was stated that I'm not on the databese. It was take another six months before the FBI was able to located my file. That quiet intimidated. I wondered if anyone will ever noticing that there is a file with my name on it, if I ever spend many hours e-mailing and calling them???

That what happened to me hopfully your would be in differen side,

Best regards,

I learned the exact date on my infopass appt (nothing in written form), and have another appt next week. I guess once I fill WOM it becomes their problem to figure it out, not mine - namecheck or no namecheck. They had plenty of time for it :D .

P.S. I am really so excited about finally being able to do anything about this stupid case! My very personal life suffers because of the waiting! Although I am very VERY patient.
cuties said:
Hello Hadenuf and Is619035

I just chip in my opinion/ expereinces. When you said you're stucked in name check, did you get any documentations stating that? I asked because a year after my interveiw I e-mails to the FBI and the first answer signed by David M. hardy was stated that I'm not on the databese. It was take another six months before the FBI was able to located my file. That quiet intimidated. I wondered if anyone will ever noticing that there is a file with my name on it, if I ever spend many hours e-mailing and calling them???

That what happened to me hopfully your would be in differen side,

Best regards,


In my case, ever since I filed my 485, I have been getting the same response from CIS that my namecheck/background checks have not cleared. I have emails/ mails from CIS that say this. I have written numerous times(mails/faxes/emails) to the FBI requesting them to reply to my mails with the status of the namecheck and have not recieved any response from them. So I dont know the status of my case with the FBI. I have given up on writing/mailing them anymore as it is a waste of effort and time.

What are your case details cuties??.WHen did you file your 485??.Have you filed WOM??.
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My name check was pending for 6 months. I filed a complaint on Marh 27. One month later, USCIS notified me that "the name check is cleared". They asked me to dismiss the case and adjudicated my citizenship on May 9. The whole process took only 1 and half month.

This forum encourged me to file the case in the first place and I got a lot of help here along the way. Otherwise, I won't be able to get over this hassle. My suggestion to those still waiting: take action, don't waste you time waiting.

Specialy thanks to Publicus for sharing his experience with us.
mesh said:
My name check was pending for 6 months. I filed a complaint on Marh 27. One month later, USCIS notified me that "the name check is cleared". They asked me to dismiss the case and adjudicated my citizenship on May 9. The whole process took only 1 and half month.

This forum encourged me to file the case in the first place and I got a lot of help here along the way. Otherwise, I won't be able to get over this hassle. My suggestion to those still waiting: take action, don't waste you time waiting.

Specialy thanks to Publicus for sharing his experience with us.


And thanks for sharing - successfull cases bring in more successfull cases!
rob waiter said:

does this mean you even do not have to use certified mail to serve the defendents?
The certificate itself will do the work?

please advise.

NO, you still have ti use certufied mail, you just dont have to wait for the receipt to be returned to you
greencard12 said:
What is the difference then between the extra exhibit filing and the amendment?

I was just trying to emphasize that the most insignificant "extra exhibit" should be send to the defendants...considering that an amendment may by something big which change the course of the legal action.
Aos /wom

hadenuf said:

In my case, ever since I filed my 485, I have been getting the same response from CIS that my namecheck/background checks have not cleared.

What are your case details cuties??.WHen did you file your 485??.Have you filed WOM??.
Hello there,

Nowaday the FBI do not respond to the inquries?

My case was base on married. I submitted the I-485 on Sep 07, 2003. Interveiw date May 12, 2004 and stucked since.

I filed the WOM on Macrh 31, 2006 and on May 12,2006 I received a latter from the DO. That was the first thing I have ever got since the date of the interveiw.

Today I have the third FP done. (scheule for June 2, 2006)

I have very little knowledge of the WOM and I hired an att, to do it for me which I regret.By hiring an att. I did not learn much.

Anyway seemed like thing are moving after the law suite. For thoes who are willing to wait it thier chioces , me , personaally only thing I regret of filing the law suit was the date. i shuold have done this years ago.

Best Regards,