Anyone who got the approval notice last week/this week, please post the details

AVM Still not updated

Hi Maja
Even 3 weeks after my approval, AVM still has the old message.
So, AVM is not reliable.

No Title


I don\'t think you need to worry about AVM. I never heard of the case that AVM said approved but actually not. There may be late for your notice. I read from that the approval notice was received 10 days after the approval date. If you want to make sure about your approval, just call and talk with an IIO. I bet you will receive the notice soon. Keep us posted.
No Title

Thank you, but I am really worried - it is going to be two weeks tomorrow and no notice yet - and I cannot get through to that number ( 949 831 8427). Do you think I should go to Laguna Niguel office ?
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I called AVM Saturday, Sept 15 and said that case was approved on Sept 12. Received the notices on Sept 17.
No notice yet

Mine was approved on Sept. 7, no notice received yet. I have moved after filing for I-485. Hope, INS has sent the letter to the new address.

Anyways, you can check with your lawyer. They get the original copy.
No Title

I live in SF Bay Area. AVM says it was approved on the Sept 12 and received the notices (for my husband and me) on Sept 17. Hope you get yours soon.