Anyone used their AP(same one) to re-enter the US more than once?


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I\'ve my AP with "Valid for multiple applications for parole into the Unites States". Does this mean it\'s a multiple entry AP?

I\'ve already used my AP once to enter this country and got a stamp in the "arrival stamp" box. I\'ve to travel again out of the country and can I use the same AP(it\'s still valid) to come back? If so where would they put the arrival stamp as there is only one box in the document.

Please post your experience if you have used your AP more than once.

Thanks a lot.
Yes multiple entries

I\'ve used mine more than once- first time took longer to go through INS when I landed back here.. maybe around 15mins.. after that its always been 5mins or less. Must be my luck. I\'m not sure if they stamped my AP again- I do know that they gave me a different stamped I-94.
Thanks DesiInDistress

If it\'s possible could you please check your AP for stamping and let me know?

When you used it second time did you have to show "to alien" copy or "to transportation line" copy?

I\'ve to travel on a family emergency so please let me know at your earliest.

Thanks a lot.