anyone talked to IIO today? (wac-o2-041)

WAC 02 041 5XXX

RD 10/15/01
ND 11/16/01
FP 1/25/02 at Sacramento

Haven't spoken to IIO...
need to be patient...

There is no point of calling IIO. We will know more about new adjustments by the end of this week. Earliest, around Wednesday. The files need to be distributed to the desks first... So, let's try to relax till then...
Anybody saw "Red Dragon" last weekend?

- Dom

I hope Wednesday is right. Though Audit stuff says, that App movement will not be restricted, only results won't be declared until Audit is over.
SM, really?

Is that true? I'm anxiously waiting for INS to acknowledge receiving the RFE response that they should have gotten on 9/19.

- Dom

Thats what says. That they are not gonna declare audit time results until the audit is over, files movement is gonna be frozen. oh well, who knows really. I'm trying to learn italian these days, never know might need it with the ways of INS.

Parlate Italiano? Provo a parlare Italiano. Necesito Practique.
SM is gonna go to the mafia..

Silly man obviously wants to ask a Mafia Don to make an offer he cannot refuse to a Congressman, to petition for his green card? :). Isn't Italian the language of choice for this kind of deal? :)


Yea, Mafia would help if they had Green Cards themselves. I bet Don Corleone himself checks PCee's tracker everyday, and cries like a 2 year old everytime he checks AVM. MAMMA MIA, Approvi prego la mia Green Card.

*&#$&#($&*#(&*()@*()@#() INS. <-- No thats no italian, that's Punjabi Vich, au vi Maa bhen di.

BTW, I see a total dearth of approvals. This is sad. I read somewhere today that apps were moved to work against the freeze of application movement during the audit, which made JIT's jump before the audit. Anyone knows when the Audit at CSC started? I am really really desperate to see some action here in 485's :( . Incidentally, IIO's have been telling people who filed after us to wait another 6 months for their final approval (I read somewhere, on this board.) Thats encouraging since they are not planning a permanent freeze on applications. But IIO's are so full of shit their eyes are brown, so really can't get too high on this.

I wish I had anything more positive to say right now :(
I did (WAC 02-040-5XXXXX)

Talked to an IIO this evening. Same old answer, "Your case is pending".

The last time I talked to an IIO, I was told that my application would be assigned to an officer sometime early this month.

The person I talked to did not give any time estimate. She had no idea how long it would take. However, she did confirm that everything was in order and it has to be assigned to an officer.

Well, hope they get moving on things soon