Anyone recently travelled to India on AP ??


New Member
Hi, My wife and I are planning on travelling to New Delhi. Our H-1 multiple entry visa has expired and we intend on using AP to reenter US. Do indian authorities at New Delhi airport recognize AP ? We are just a little worried whether the local indian authorities are aware of the AP when we depart India for US. Pls share experiences. Thanks.
I am in the same boat as yours but i was told it's absolutely safe to use AP in India and also for re-entery to US. Please update me if you hear any other issues using AP in India.


I am in the same boat as yours but i was told it\'s absolutely safe to use AP in India and also for re-entery to US. Please update me if you hear any other issues using AP in India. Thanks -Mogh
ap docs

I read somewhere on the board..that they had 3 pages 2 with photos and one without. I was given only 2 ..with the photos.
Can anyone shed a light on this matter?
ap docs

I read somewhere on the board..that they had 3 pages 2 with photos and one without. I was given only 2 ..with the photos. Can anyone shed a light on this matter?
two with photo and one without photo

Two with photos and one without photo is old format. New format will have only two and the photo is scanned into the document not pasted.
Travelled to India on AP

Yes, I have used AP for travelling from India on 7/4/02. In fact I had a valid H1B visa stamped on my passport, Hence Delta people didn't asked me any question. But Immigration officer in Mumbai did asked that my visa is valid upto 8/14/02, so how am i going to maintain the status. I replied that am waiting for my GC and do have EAD card to work. He was just curious to see the EAD card. After a glance he returned back.

After arriving at Atlanta Airport, My passport, AP form was put into a Green folder and was requested for seconday inspection. Officer requested me to sit in front of camera. After few minutes. The only question he asked me was SSN number. After which he duly stamped all my papers and I was all set.
yeh u can use that i used mine while visitng Mexico and my wife visited Delhi using AP. They asked about VISa and she replied with AP paper and she was cleared.
Please Please Please Advice....Very Very Very Urgent

What if my wife and kids are in India and I havent taken advance parole for them. Can I take Advance parole for them, send to India before they arrive in US.

Second Question:

If we are leaving for India and no body has Advance parole and Visa is expired, do US authorities can bother us.

Please Please Please Advice....Very Very Very Urgent

always post a new thread. Dont tag onto an expired thread...
Answer to your questions:

1. yes you may get AP for your dependents when they are outside US, as long as you have all the documentation, photo and check to cover the fees.

2.I presume you (and your dependents ) are 485 adjustees. Then you dont need any valid visa stamp in the passport. Some airlines might insist that you get a transit visa from their country consulate (france and Germany are known to do this).
It will be better if they have copies of their 485 receipts...