Anyone Received RTD's Faster Lately


Registered Users (C)
I see at the USCIS website that the RTD's are taking less to be issued. Anyone on this forum received their RTD's in less than 2 months???
I applied Return Permit

ND: 07/28/2005
Approval: 09/03/2005
In Mailbox: 09/06/2005

sbernal said:
I see at the USCIS website that the RTD's are taking less to be issued. Anyone on this forum received their RTD's in less than 2 months???
sbernal said:
I see at the USCIS website that the RTD's are taking less to be issued. Anyone on this forum received their RTD's in less than 2 months???
ND: 08/26/2005
Aproval: 09/27/2005
To my mailbox: 10/05/2005.
Hope this helps.
I Am Tied Of Awaiting

:mad: HI!, every one thank you so much for your information and exchanging ideas and experience towards this long process. lets keep exchanging experience. I appied I-485 on 07/2002 along with medical and all fees in full.

ND: 08/2002
FP: 07/20049 (the first finger print, 10 fingers)
RFI:07/2005 ( this is medical again and I-325A,I send them)
RD (recieved Date for RFI evidence): 09/20/2005...while looking for medical doctors i recieved BIO metrics:
BIO: 09/27/2005 >>>10 finger prints, thumb and one finger, PHOTO and SIGNATURE.

IMPORTANT: During the request for initial evidence (RFI), there was a strict yellow paper which says KEEP THIS LETTER ON TOP OF YOUR RESPONSE, FAILURE TO DO SO MAY DELAY YOU PROCESS OR DENIED. hey! unfortunately I forget to add the letter but sent all others. ANY IDEA ideas are appreciated thnx.