Anyone received email from USCIS site ?

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Registered Users (C)
To those who are getting approved after registering with the USCIS site:

Did you receive an email from the USCIS site saying your status changed ?
Hi !@#$:

I suggest you change your useid to something else. It just looks like a dirty word. :D
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Originally posted by king1999
Hi !@#$:

I suggest you change your useid to something else. It just looks like a dirty word. What the f&*k do you think of? :D

I think you are very civilized !! King of a slum ??
Sorry I didn't mean to offend you. Just couldn't help but thinking of that when seeing your name. Good luck with your getting answer from people.
I got multiple emails from USCIS for me and my wife. One of them is real case status change and the rest of them are only "last update" change.
i agree with king1999 too

i believe it was joke too. ;)

!@#$ is very unique name, i remembered you already. if i knew i could register name by !@#$, i would not be cplusplus, i should go straight as c++ :p
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