Anyone out there with June \'99 ND?


New Member

we just went for our 2nd FP even though are first were approved by FBI. Spoke to IIO at Vermont and somehow they never received the approval for the first FP done in April. So after putting our case on hold, they send us a 2nd FP notice. anyone with similar situation. any help would be appreciated. thank you

PD 10/97, EB-2, India, ND 6/99
No Title

Not a similar situation.. but i am a June 99 waiter.

EB2/NIW-Self, PD10/07, RD/ND 6/99, FP 4/00 - with 1 Intent to Deny on 9/29 (response recd 10/24) and an RFE on 11/14. They received the RFE on 12/4 but nothing since then.

No Title

I am a June \'99 waiter, but I got approved 3 days ago. My
ND/RD is the same as Khoon Pasina\'s. I think it pays to call
IIO sometimes: I was RFE\'ed, but my response, which got
into VSC in Oct. 1st week, was not looked at for 2 months. A
humane IIO, about 2 weeks ago felt that this was an usual delay
and assigned my case to someone. It was approved a week ago.
I\'d say, one must call an IIO if there\'s been an inordinate
delay in processing, and this board is a good place to get *some*
idea of what is a \'reasonable\' time of delay and what is not.....
(Details: EB1, re-applied under EB2/NIW due to company merger, ND 23 June, \'99)
