anyone maitained citizenship requirement even after staying outside 2 years


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Has anyone been able to maintain continuous residency got citizenship even after staying outside US for two years by applying N-470 and reentry permit.
the reason is

I got my green card in Nov 2004. If I work in India office for 2 years (from April 2007 full time / part time) and apply form N-470 and reentry permit can I get my citizenship in 2009 if I come back to US after 2 years?

If it is not possible how soon I should come back to US or how often should I come back and stay in US to maintain continuity of residence
Generally anything above 1 year is considered abandonment of residency so you might want to re-think your job or risk losing your GC and citizenship..Consult an expert but I think this is true
My case was similar and I passed my interview without any issues. I stayed outside of USA for little less than 2 years. I had travel permit and N-470 approved. If the outside time is less than 2 years it shouldn't be a issue.
userofimmi said:
My case was similar and I passed my interview without any issues. I stayed outside of USA for little less than 2 years. I had travel permit and N-470 approved. If the outside time is less than 2 years it shouldn't be a issue.
Did they ask you about your N470? Were any questions raised about your absence? I have a similar case where in I was working for 2 years in India for a US company on a temporary assignment. They had filed reentry permit but no N470. I did make sure that no trip outside US was longer than 6 months and filed US Taxes etc
Yeah, make sure to take an occasional trip back to the US, getting your passport stamped. Pay US taxes. Do other things to make sure it appears you intend to return.

And get some legal advice (get your company to pay for a lawyer for you (preferably one who works for you rather than your company))
I have a friend who was out of the country on a Government sub-contract and filed N-470 and stayed out for just under two years. He got his citizenship no problems....