Anyone left from the 02-063-5**** series?


Registered Users (C)
Is it just me or are there other folks from the 063 series waiting?

RD Nov 29, 01
ND Dec 14, 01
FP Mar 28, 02

No RFE, no 2nd FP, no nothing!
Called the service center, they said cases are now taking 24 months!
I am also in EAC-02-063 series and exactly in the same boat.

RD is Nov 29/01
ND is Dec 14/01
AD.............God knows!
my lawyer mantioned consular processing while I-140... VSC don't have my I-140 record they sent request of 1-140 to NSC 4/5 months back..
Filed 3rd EAD

Just filed my third EAD and AP. Really hoping that might prompt VSC to look at my 485 file!
Did anyone of you contact BCIS? If yes, did you guys get any case status in mail. I have contacted them three times over the past four months, and have got no response. It is so frustrating ....
i am i similar situation as u guys.

rd 12/3/01
nd 12/14/01
fp1 3/01/02

no fp2 no rfe

sent a letter to bcis - no response
contacted nsvc several times - no use

stand in your line

my wife's case:

rd 11/26/01
ref 5/6/03 medical exam
2fd 7/03


Dear heavenly father,
we should hear sth from VSC,
it is now almost 22months, some unfortunate
guys even with 24 months
we tried 1-800-XXX ...
we tried written letter...
we tried senators ...
we tried united peptition...
some guys even suggested we should fly to VSC to do it in person?
GOD, almighty GOD, do sth , please

in jesus christ name