Anyone knows what is....


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Hello folks,
Does anyone in this forum know what are the requirements to join the navy?
Thank you.
In order to join U.S Armed Forces ( Army, Air Forces, Marine Corps, Navy, Cost Guard)
You have to be a Permanent Resident or Citizen, authorized to reside and work in the United States.

Certain Military specialties are for U.S Citizen only, Most of them required Top Secret Clearance in order to join those specialties. You can't serve as an officer in United States Military unless you're U.S Citizen.

U.S Army begun special program this year authorized certain legal aliens to join the Army.
To qualify you have to be a legally present in United States for at least 2 years. (Student Visas, H-1 Asylees, etc)
You must be a medical qualify ( doctor, nurse etc)
fluently speak one of the critical languages
which include, but not limited to
Dari,Fars, Urdu, Pashtu, Arabic

You will be deployed to War Zone, no questions asked.
You will learn how to be discipline, it's not a civilian life.

If you think to join Army, Ill be glad answer any questions you have and help you to chose military occupation specialties. Also you can find addition information from recruiter in your district. If you need an address, just give me your zip code and I will give you information for your local recruiter station
my spouse joined the ARMY with a green card that had conditions on it and we didn't even have our 2nd interview with the USCIS. but, that's a whole different story. but, if he could join the ARMY, without those cond. removed(because he joined BEFORE) the temp card expired...then i don't know what difference the Navy or other USA military branch would be.
Oh and make sure that you are not gay...

If you are gay...then you cannot join the armed forces ..even if you speak arabic, farsi..or any of the languages they always need applicants for...because gay people are unfit to serve the usa like a heterosexual person is..utter nonsense but the rules are the rules...
If you are gay...then you cannot join the armed forces ..even if you speak arabic, farsi..or any of the languages they always need applicants for...because gay people are unfit to serve the usa like a heterosexual person is..utter nonsense but the rules are the rules...
Wow, I didn't know that
well if army is full of gay people like him then i don't think we will win a war.
some of these comments are beyond offensive and ignorant. Perhaps this is your way of amusing yourselves; which i find very crude and uncalled for.

Yes you can serve in the military if you're a homosexual. No you cannot disclose nor can the armed forces ask about your sexuality. Ever heard of DON'T ASK DON'T TELL?


if we have folks like your video man, we might not win the war, but it sure as hell helps to keep your freedom of speech alive, even if it is to insult those very people who serve to protect it.

Folks, really? let's think before we post.
What insult? really, please don't make a big fuss out of nothing
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To assume that gay people cannot win a war is so ignorant of seem to be prejudiced against homosexuals..and your comments absolutely prove it...maybe you should take care of your own perfection issues first before talking about other people.."and get off your high horse"
before attacking me for nothing, just read my post "gay people like him", doesn't "like him" mean anything to you? or you just like arguing?
and what's wrong with gay people like him?

what's wrong with gay people like him...just because they don't fit your moral or religiuosly misguided opinions does not mean he is inferior ....he has a right to express himself just the way you hatefully talk about gay people
simply, army is war, and war needs bravery men, not gay people like him.

army needs real courage men that posses a soldier mentality. Do you think army is just a registration process and that's it?

I might be against homosexuality since it is a sinful act, but let's forget all about that in this thread, I'm putting my feelings away and trying to address you in a logical way.

If you wanted to build a house, will you hire weak men for this job? weak men might accomplish it in double the time required, you will lose time and money. Are you willing to lose that in the name of equal individual rights?

I've never heard that army is asking about sexual tendencies and I was suprised that you said they do "because there are strong gay men for the war", but if they really do then please excuse them for that, they do have a mission to accomplish and they want to do it with real men not with "gay people like him".
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hehe, oh raziel, ur so funny!!! and no i definitely won't hire u or anyone like u to build my house!! that's just plain idiocy!! and let me tell u this, i will send some of my gay friends to ur door to show u how solid men should look and act like!!

btw what does it say in ur signature: "Please be friendly, supportive and respectful --and leave your high horse at the door!"

really!? i mean seriously? are u kidding with these comments?!?
simply, army is war, and war needs bravery men, not gay people like him.

army needs real courage men that posses a soldier mentality. Do you think army is just a registration process and that's it?

I might be against homosexuality since it is a sinful act, but let's forget all about that in this thread, I'm putting my feelings away and trying to address you in a logical way.

If you wanted to build a house, will you hire weak men for this job? weak men might accomplish it in double the time required, you will lose time and money. Are you willing to lose that in the name of equal individual rights?

I've never heard that army is asking about sexual tendencies and I was suprised that you said they do "because there are strong gay men for the war", but if they really do then please excuse them for that, they do have a mission to accomplish and they want to do it with real men not with "gay people like him".
Did any one asked of your sexual orientation while you were seeking asylum?
This country continue to welcome immigrants from all types of background so please leave any kind of discriminatory comments out or at least out of this platform.
Thank you.
simply, army is war, and war needs bravery men, not gay people like him.

army needs real courage men that posses a soldier mentality. Do you think army is just a registration process and that's it?

I might be against homosexuality since it is a sinful act, but let's forget all about that in this thread, I'm putting my feelings away and trying to address you in a logical way.

If you wanted to build a house, will you hire weak men for this job? weak men might accomplish it in double the time required, you will lose time and money. Are you willing to lose that in the name of equal individual rights?

I've never heard that army is asking about sexual tendencies and I was suprised that you said they do "because there are strong gay men for the war", but if they really do then please excuse them for that, they do have a mission to accomplish and they want to do it with real men not with "gay people like him".

I knew Raziel was that kind of person when I openly confessed here sometime ago that I am lesbian.

off course he does not mean who he truly is.
"Prejudices are what fools use for reason" ..voltaire quote


if you have such an issue with homosexuality...why did you seek asylum here..?? This country was based on freedom of expression and seperation of church and state should have known that before you applied for asylum...not every one deals with your high horse according to your ideology...

Iran and Saudi Arabia would applaud your kind in a heartbeat...if you do not like peoples' opinions...i suggest you apply for asylum there!!
and use proper tenses...

and in addition raziel

You should check your english tenses from your previous will need it when you apply for citizenship/green card if your ignorance qualifies of course...that will not help in addition to your blatant bigotry....
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