Anyone here go through the I-751 (Conditional Permanent Residence) interview?


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Please share your experience. I have an I-751 (Conditional Permanent Residence) interview coming up.

When we had our interview they were more interested in Mr Sparks and his ability to support me. I wasn't asked anything. They asked him for tax returns plus evidence that he owned his own home. They asked how much he earned and if I had any children for him to support. As we are the same age, same religion, same color he felt that we didn't raise any red flags. Age is a big thing with them. An 80 year old man marrying a 20 year old female raises questions. For us it was pretty straight forward. I even took our wedding album, which the interviewer didn't seem to want to look at. I had the fear that we would be asked all sorts of personal stuff but in fact it was all about my husband's assets. The interviewer did ask if he married me just to get a green card, to which my husband said no, it was because he loved me.

Now, I am waiting for the conditions to be removed off my geen card. Should we expect another interview or is that it?