anyone help please


New Member

im clearly desperate but i came across this and thought id try, i have a situation where i need to get my license(i have had it before but it is now very expired in 2021 to be exact) however i have lost my passport while i was moving. i went to the rmv and they are requiring a document where i can verify myself as in name and ID. i tried to use my license but they cant use it as its expired. also i am from peru so i have a foreign birth certificate. i have tried to go get my passport again but i run into the issue where i cant use my expired license. i ended up paying the $500 to REQUEST my certificate of naturalization but theres a chance they will deny the request due to the expired license and they’ll most likely just keep the money. i obtained citizenship through my mother since i was under 18 when she became a citizen. i feel like im very stuck and no clue how to move forward. if someone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

thank u in advance
What state are you in?

Do you have a primary ID or two secondary IDs for getting a US passport from this page?

If you automatically became a citizen as a minor, you do not have a "Certificate of Naturalization". You could have gotten a "Certificate of Citizenship" by filing N-600, but most likely you never got one because it was not needed, and you only got a US passport. If you have never gotten a Certificate of Citizenship (which is most likely), you could file N-600 to apply for it, but it costs at least $1,335 and takes months to get. Only if you have gotten a Certificate of Citizenship before (unlikely) and lost it, can you file N-565 (which costs at least $505) to replace it. Again, you shouldn't really need a Certificate of Citizenship. Replacing your passport or driver's license should be your focus.