Anyone has the NSC phone no. ?


Registered Users (C)
My EAD renewal application is pending at NSC since Aug 16, 2004. I have initiated 2 inquiries so far and I received the response in mail. Both of them just say "Your case is pending", nothing more. Also, there was another sheet attached regarding address change both times. It said they received my recent address change request - which is not true because I never changed my address.

When I talked to an officer at USCIS National customer service center, she agreed the response they provided is not helpful and she said she doesnt have more info as to why the case is pending so long. She asked me to write to a letter directly to the Director of NSC.

I thought calling them directly will be a better option. Does anyone have the phone no. ?. I remember reading in site that phone lines are open again at service centers, if we have a valid reason. I guess mine is a valid reason.

I did receive the interim EAD, but I was wondering if this could be the reason why my I-140 is also pending for so long. Another thing is the status msg for EAD on the phone says they could not retrieve the info because of a temporary problem for the past 2 weeks.

These idiots at NSC NEED to get organized.

Any other guys received the same address change letter for no reason ?. Please share your thoughts. I appreciate your response.

Thank you.
hi bmt
ur case is pending becoz u already got an interim ead so they will send u another ead before it(interim ead which is for 4 moths) until that time the message stays the same.I got this info from another forum.
I am in the same boat as you. My wife's EAD and AP is approved. I got interim EAD.

I also sent once again the supporting documents to E-filed address. the LUD date got updated on 28th Jan. Still they havent approved my EAD or AP and I140.

I filed for renewal on Sep 14th 2004.
I agree, I have got the interim EAD. I wouldn't care if I didn't receive that address change letter. I will be just fine with the interim EAD.

Essentially, I wanted to know

1)Why did they send that stupid letter to me without any reason ?. Did they mix up my case with somebody else's ???
2)Is that the reason why my I-140 is also pending ?

diwu, did you initiate a status inquiry ?. Have you got the interim EAD ?
I didnot initiate a Status inquiry. I called them couple of times, no help.
I did get the interim EAD.