Anyone from NJ who has contacted Senator Lauternberg


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Please help. Do you think now is too early for me to contact him? Yesterday marked two-year anniversary from my RD. If not too early, please advise what's the best way to contact him, by phone, email, or letter? Does anyone have his email address? I couldn't find that on this board. Thanks a lot. I was trying to be calm but when I heard one of my friends with August RD got RFE a few days ago I grew a little bit desperate.
Yup, I sought their help with my case. Call them at their Newark office number (I got this from their website) and you should be able to talk to their liaison officer for INS.
As for your question of waiting further, I guess 2 years is sufficient time to wait. I don't see any harm in trying.
Did it help ur case?

If you don't mind, can you let me know what's ur RD and ND? Also since VSC's published date is still 2/15/02, is the Senator's office really gonna get any meaningful info. from VSC? Thanx a lot.
In my opinion, it did help my case getting approved. I've written about my experience elsewhere on this forum, but for your benefit, here is a brief summary in chronological order:
1. Contacted Senator's office last week of August 2003. A month after my FP expired.
2. Senator's office initiated enquiry end of August/beginning of Sept. INS replied to Senator's office to check back after 60 days.
3. Received notice for second FP appointment in September 1st week (scheduled on October 25)
4. Early November, the person in-charge of INS affairs in the Senator's office wrote to his liaison officer at VSC without any further request from me.
5. The liaison officer at VSC requested my file to be moved to final adjudications. Was told to wait 30 days.
6. Dec 5th, my case was approved.

RD: 12/13/01; ND: 12/21/01.

Hope this helps.
Worked for me

I also contacted Mr. Lautenberg office and within 3 weeks my case was approved.

Although as you can see from my signature I was stuck in this process for quiet sometime.
Is the officer

Mr. Bedsai? I just called the Senator's office and was told that the officer handling immigration matter was out to a seminar. I'll try next Monday. Thanx.
Re: Did it help ur case?

WheresMahGreen can you please provide the name of the person in charge of immigration in Senator lautenberg's office or the person who helped you out?

BTW, what detaild did you provide to them?. Your reponse is appreciated. Thanks

I believe the name is Mr. Desai.

As for info, they will request you to fill a congressional worksheet and sign a waiver to release your information to the Senator's office. Once you contact their office, you will be provided with the requisite forms to be filled out and returned.
Just received the consent form by fax from Senator Lautenberg's office

Should I fill out the information for both the primary and derivative or just the primary or either one is OK? As of the brief description of problem, what should I say? Just saying that my application has been pending for more than 24 months and I've heard nothing since FP done in May last year? Also it asks for the Date on INS Receipt. Is it RD or ND? Finally, it asks me to mail copies of all pertinent documents. What exactly should I mail to them?

Thanks a lot.
just want to update u guys

I mailed letter together with info release form and I-485 receipts on 3/30/04. Then I called senator's office a few days later to make sure that the letter was received. Without hearing anything I called senator's office again today and ended up leaving message. Couple of hours later I was called back couple to know that our files were in the adjudications area as of 4/7/04 and should be hearing from VSC in approximately 60 more days. Also I was told to call senator's office again if I don't hear anything by 6/15.

Street_dog, sorry I didn't reply u because I got the form through fax but I guess u can download it from senator's website.