Anyone else is WAC02-036 and waiting?


Registered Users (C)
Waiting over 24 months. FP in Jan 02, RFE in Dec 02. Not heard since.

Anyone else is in the same boat? What is your status? Does FAX inquiry useful ?

Appreciate your response!
WAC-02-036 status as of 11/08/2003
Approved .............  74 (58%)
Transferred ..........   8 ( 6%)
RFE ..................  16 (13%)
Fingerprint ..........  18 (14%)
Received .............  10 ( 8%)
Others ...............   2 ( 2%)
Total ................ 128
You can get the detail report at the Project Kashmir.
It is free.


So the processing of these I-485 cases is pretty much random? Why are some of the later cases approved much faster than the old ones?
It is not exactly random but it appears as random to an outsider. The cases are taken out of the bin by receipt date and then stacked-up in the production line for distribution among the IIOs. As IIO's become available cases are assigned to IIOs. Once these cases reach IIO's desk, they become subjet to the priorities, pulls and pressures of the IIO's. Cases could sit at IIO's desks for 5 to 6 months. Generally, once the case is assigned to IIO's, it moves pretty fast. However, in some unfortunate cases, it may be sitting at an IIO's desk for a long time.
Thanks for your info (BTW, how did you get to know all these?).

Now, forgive my ignorance, how may we get to IIOs and let our cases move out of the sitting situation? Does Inquiry help? I'm asking my lawyers to do an inquiry. Some people told me that too frequent inquiry would actually delay your cases, is that true?

I don't know where else would allow such inefficiency other than BCIS. Absolutely amazing.
I agree that if your enquiry is too frequent then it is likely to delay your case. USCIS, the new avatar of BCIS aka INS is not a deterministic system. Sometimes you are just looking at a distribution of probabilities. In some cases an enquiry does help but in other cases it can cause further delay. Therefore, it is better to wait patiently for some time more and then send a fax. Contrary to belief, the faxes are categoriezed and followed-up by USCIS. You should send only 1 fax to the appropriate division and then wait for at least 1 month for response.