anyone done stamping at Santa ANA pls post


Registered Users (C)
Any one who had done stamping at Santa Ana pls post. My approval letter tells me to go to LA but Santa Ana is close to me . I have taken tommorow's appointment so pls post . IS one appointment good for whole family.
i spoke with a friend of mine, He had his interview done at Santa Ana and after approval notices were mailed to him 2 days after his interview he got his stamping done at Santa Ana. and got his plastic cards in 3 weeks. I guess so everything in Santa Ana works .
ghost-rider said:
i spoke with a friend of mine, He had his interview done at Santa Ana and after approval notices were mailed to him 2 days after his interview he got his stamping done at Santa Ana. and got his plastic cards in 3 weeks. I guess so everything in Santa Ana works .
You are correct. You can go to Santa Ana even though the notice says to go to LA. You can take one appt for family. I also went to Santa Ana with one appt for family. You should be OK. Go about 15 minuites earlier - don't go too early as they won't let you in before 15 minutes to your appt.

Good luck.
Do you live in LA county(Zip code?) or Orange County. I got approved on friday and now I waiting for my approval notice. I live in LA county and waiting for my approval notice. So wondering where I willa need to go.

GC1508 said:
Do you live in LA county(Zip code?) or Orange County. I got approved on friday and now I waiting for my approval notice. I live in LA county and waiting for my approval notice. So wondering where I willa need to go.

When you enter your home zip code on Infopass, it tells you if you should go to Santa Ana or LA. It finds a center nearer to your home.
GC1508 , you should hv got your courtsey copy by today. I am in orange county and my place is 2 miles away from INS . and i got my courtsey copies same day they were mailed from ins on saturday.
How much time does it take for stamaping in Santa Ana. I suppose- it my very by BCIS office or case- generally wanted to get an idea.
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I am confused..., for GC stamp..., none of the selections are appropriate to take an appointment. Which did you all select out of the choices..??

Please select type of appointment.
(1) You need an immigration form.
(2) You need to replace your Alien Resident Card.
(3) You need to file an application for yourself or someone else.
(4) You have a question about your case.
(5) It has been more than 90 days since you filed an I-765 and you did not receive an Employment Authorization Card.
(6) You wish to speak to an immigration officer.

Also, which ever I choose..., I get to the below message!!!
At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later.

The approval notice does not say..., take appointment..., We would like to walk-in.