Anyone been in this situation with Medical before


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Did anyone in their medical have skin test +ve and chest xray marked as abnormal. My doctor did that and in the comments mentioned that i dont have any active TB. I have taken medication for past 8 months.
Was anyone in this situation before. can they tell what happened to their 485 .
Should be ok. Old scar on CXR could be evidence of old healed Tb. If the doctor said it is ok and you took treatment you should be ok. If you are concerned get an opinion from your state health department. Make an appointment with them. Take your skin test results and CXR and ask for their opinion. Get a letter from them that you do not have TB, keep that letter with you in case there is a RFE. If you do not want to do this wait for what USCIS says. Yo ucan so the same from a private Infectious Disease specialist or Pulmonologist but I believe when dealing with USCIS state/ county health department is preferred.

Thanks for the response. Any idea how USCIS processes these kind of cases. I am under the impression that they transfer such cases to USCIS.

My story...

Skin test positive
X-ray normal

of course the doctor has not recommended medication but it seems they are supposed to report positive skin tests to the local health department???? and we keep getting calls from local health department motivating us to take medication so that it does not become active....does anyone had this kind of experience?

Thanks for your help