Anyone been approved in Garden City, NY, recently?


Bklyn, I am so sorry to hear that, I perfectly know how it feels, as I said before it's been 3 weeks and I'm already going crazy, but lets pray that all this is gonna be clear soon.
Arjun, let me tell you that I know that there are people waiting for a long time, but I keep thinking that is not fear that some people that applied after me have their green card in their hands I am still waiting, for sure you don't know how discouraging is when you look your case on line and appears the same message and family is waiting for you in your home country.
bklyn2006 said:
I haven't got anything yet.
The congress man sends me the response they got from Fed. Plaza regarding my case.
"I-485 pending due to requisite Background checks"
I don't know when was that, because when I spoke to the officer who interviewed us, she confirmed that she approved me and she stamped my passport.
Second: I received a message on my cell phone from the officer, telling me that there is a new development on my case and the file came back to her office. and she said that she will try to cal me back.. and I never heard from her since that message this past Monday. I tried to call her several times during the week, but no success to reach her.
I don't know what new developement could be...
any suggestions people?
I am going crazy already...
the congressman told me that it is a background check, BUT how can the officer approves my case with pending background check.
This is horrible.
I thought you didn't get stamp during the interview, anyways.
If you have a stamp, that is your temp "GC", you can use it to get a job, to travel anywhere you want to. I believe that is valid for a year, so you will be all set. congrat man. go 5th ave and enjou St. Patrick's Day, don't be stoned :) . lots of cops in new york.
Sorry man I had a mistake in my reply before... NO THE OFFICER NEVER GAVE ME THE STAMP.. I don't know how I typed it :) I was thinking so much of the stamp..
so any how,
here is my latest story:
After the message from the officer, I couldn't think of anything the whole week, so I decided to Garden City on Friday.
I was there 8:30am, and I went straight to officer on the window, I told him that Officer **** called me and left me a message and I am here today to talk to her.
so, he paged the officer, she replied and he told her that I am downstairs and I want to talk to her.
she came down in 5 minutes, and she walked me to an office in the back.
she mentioned that my file came back to her because something in the system showed up regarding my F1 status before.. she said since I transferred from one school to another couple of times, somehow it caused a problem in their system. so she asked me if I have my transcipts or something, "thank God, I brought them with me on Friday" so I gave her my originals and I also showed her my diploma (because I already graduated 2 years ago), so she made copies of the Diploma, and she took my passport she told me to wait outside and she said that she will see what she can do , since my visit to Garden City was not scheduled.
After half an hour, she calls my cell phone again and she asked if I have my I-20's from schools, I told her YES, but I have them home, but I told her that I can go and get them for her... she agreed. so I flew back to Brooklyn and got all my I-20's since I entered the country including the SEVIS I-20's and I made copies of them and I took both originals and copied to garden city again. she came downstairs and took the stuff from me, I explained to her that I always notified INS when I transfered and I was always issued I-20's from schools. so she told me to wait downstairs and that she will be back.
3 hours passed and the office slowed down and I thought I will be the last to leave. then another lady came from upstairs and called my name. she handed me my passport with the copies of the I-20's and she said you are all set.
so I opened my passport, and fortunately the STAMP was there.
I spent the whole day back and forth and waiting, but at the end it worked out..
I am so happy :)
good luck for everyone.. and don't give up hope...
and if you were on F1 visas.. DO YOURSELF a BIG FAVOR and bring all transcripts and Diplomas and I-20's to the interview... this will expedite the case and resolve any question they might have...
I will be checking on this forum to see how you guys are doing, and I will let you know when I receive the actual card and welcome letter.
Take care all...

Important Reminder: F1 married to USC, bring all proof that you were attending school and all I-20's that you were issued. EVEN if they don't mention it in their interview notice.

Congratulations, good to hear everything worked out. All your hard work and persistence paid off. Enjoy your new status and thanks for the helpful suggestions and for sharing your experience.
Hopefully your card will arrive soon.
Still no word from USCIS, but status changed

Still no word from USCIS, but status has changed.

I didn't even recieve an email about it, but the online service reports my
I-485 case on 3/16/2006 as
The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.

What does this mean? Is the end near?
My curiosity got the better of me.
I called USCIS 800 #, to see if I could find out more info.
After talking to a customer service rep., she transferred me to an immigration officer.
When I told him what I saw on my online status, his first reaction, was that
the server that does the reporting was down.
But he offered to check up the status of the case.
After a few minutes on hold, he came back and told me ->
Congratulations, I WAS APPROVED on March 15th 2006!!!
He went on to say, that I should be recieving the card between
the 15th - 30th of April (next month).
He went on to say, that I was also eligible to apply for citizenship in October 2010...

I'm trying to hold back the excitement, until I have the card physically in my
But so far its looking good...
congrads brklyn, finally you got what u should get.
hmm, i went to high school in US, but i think i lost my high school's i-20. I do have my college degree and i-20. you think that will casue any problems?
trini0 said:
My curiosity got the better of me.
I called USCIS 800 #, to see if I could find out more info.
After talking to a customer service rep., she transferred me to an immigration officer.
When I told him what I saw on my online status, his first reaction, was that
the server that does the reporting was down.
But he offered to check up the status of the case.
After a few minutes on hold, he came back and told me ->
Congratulations, I WAS APPROVED on March 15th 2006!!!
He went on to say, that I should be recieving the card between
the 15th - 30th of April (next month).
He went on to say, that I was also eligible to apply for citizenship in October 2010...

I'm trying to hold back the excitement, until I have the card physically in my
But so far its looking good...
u will get welcome letter in two weeks and CG follows up. congrads man
chrisz said:
u will get welcome letter in two weeks and CG follows up. congrads man
Better than that.
I got the welcome letter today. :)
To all who are still waiting. Keep hope alive.

what visa do you hold right now?
how did you come to the US?
are u married to USC?
because if you were F1 (Student) then you must've had I-20...
they might now be picky with you case... if u haven't switched colleges or schools..
did you maintain your status all the times?

I think college's I-20 should be fine .. and yes bring your transcripts (original and copies) as well as your diploma, original and copies, also your college I-20.
you haven't transferred from college to other??
bklyn2006 said:

what visa do you hold right now?
how did you come to the US?
are u married to USC?
because if you were F1 (Student) then you must've had I-20...
they might now be picky with you case... if u haven't switched colleges or schools..
did you maintain your status all the times?
thanks for your suggestions.
I came here with f-1 status. got married a little bit after my internship. i checked with my lawyer, and he said I have never out of status. never transfer to any other schools. stick with one for four years.
I called my lawyer yesterday, and he said transcripts isn't necessary(since you have diploma, it is the proof that you graduated) , but it is up to me to request it or not.
actually i am not so anxious to get stamp, i can work and wait at same time, as long as it won't take more than two months. coz my passport will be expired in July.
how is your job hunting going?
soon i will feel very lonely, trini and brkly all got what they deserve. and i am still waiting for interview. man, that sucks.
i guess this post will sink out very soon coz no one will post anything new except me.
nice to know you all.

I'm with u man. I think alot of people just read the thread without posting.
Today is my 3 week "anniversary" since I had my interview. I still haven't heard anything back from them. No decision or request for more information, etc.
What should be my first step in taking some action or inquiry?
jdawg9 said:
I'm with u man. I think alot of people just read the thread without posting.
Today is my 3 week "anniversary" since I had my interview. I still haven't heard anything back from them. No decision or request for more information, etc.
What should be my first step in taking some action or inquiry?
thanks for keeping company with me.
let me tell ya. what bklyn did is AMAZING, he actually rushed the process and USCIS did give a credit on what he did.
My suggestion is: give the office who interviewed you a call. (just call garden city and ask for the office), see whether he/she will give you a direct answer. that is what bklyn dude did. be brave, man.
have you been approved or waiting for decision?
if you are approved, they are running background chcek now. make a appointment with your local congreeman, if you have time. tell him that you are planning to travel or get a job, the stamp is very important to you. something that touchs him. make him to make a few calls, bklyn did pretty good on this.
by the way, three weeks isn't that long. just keep checking your online status, many your case will dsiappear tomorrow, who knows. don't lose hope man.
Thanks man...This forum is what keeps me going. Its always great to read that someone got approved or received their cards. I gives us the hope to go on.
I'm a little IFFY about calling anyone yet since i haven't been given a decision (kind of like, i don't wanna piss anyone off if they haven't made a decision about my case yet).
I'm comtemplating whether i should call them yet.
I'll keep you posted.
jdawg9 said:
Thanks man...This forum is what keeps me going. Its always great to read that someone got approved or received their cards. I gives us the hope to go on.
I'm a little IFFY about calling anyone yet since i haven't been given a decision (kind of like, i don't wanna piss anyone off if they haven't made a decision about my case yet).
I'm comtemplating whether i should call them yet.
I'll keep you posted.
oh, ok. that makes everything clear.
let me tell ya, one of my friends and his wife went stoke interview in federal plaza. they didn't pass the first one since lack of docs. then they checked the status online last sunday with me. it says, your case has been approved... on march 11, 2006. their interview was feb 9th, let's see... a little bit over four weeks.
don't worry about it.
You forgot about me!

Remember...! I am also waiting.
I had the interview on Feb 23, 2006.
This is the 4th week, it seems like the 4th year.
I called Friday to Garden City, a machine answered asking to dial-up the extension, which I did not know, but I took a chance and dialed several numbers until I got an extension :D . A very nice gentleman answered and said that was the wrong extension and transfered me to the correct one, no one answered, transfered me again to the operator and the operator kind of lecture me for doing that, but I guess after he saw my persistence he did not tell me anything else. I asked for the status of my case and he told me that he was not allow to give information, he suggested me to write a letter to the person that did the interview, then I asked how long will take a decision on my case and he told that it is something under the discretion of the interviewer.
So... I guess that I will wait until the end of this week and I already have a letter prepare to send next Monday morning to the interviewer.
Let's see what is gonna happen this week!
Congratulations Trini, after the long wait you finally got it.
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