Anybody won DV-2011 with J1 visa?


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If there is anybody who has won the DV-2011 among you, can you contact me? I have a question about the J1 waiver process and sending the forms to KCC.

Thank you
My question is:

I am in the waiver process right now. It's "pending". I'm waiting the No Objection Letter from Turkey.

I haven't sent back the first forms to KCC yet. What should I do right now? A lawyer told me to wait until I get the waiver from USCIS.

My case number is EU20xxx, and I'm scared because I heard that sending the forms to KCC sooner is better. Is that right?
Any experiences? I just want to know if I send my documents to KCC, will it effect my waiver decision?
You have an attorney advising you. It would be foolish on your part to take advice from an online forum rather than from a professional knowing your full history. If you cannot trust your attorney, get another one you believe.
the attorney would not know enough. he admits his lack of knowledge as well. anyway, i did the same thing what my friends have done before.