Anybody with experience applying with 245i (LIFE Act)?


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I need help! My lawyer received RFE (for I-485) requesting proof of being in good status from 96 - 98. I had previously been out of status when I attended community college part time. Then I got back in school full time and received I-20 from a university. But I never got the I-20 stamped. I then left the US for 2 years.

Does anybody know if I can submit the 245i supplement now? What are my chances?

I am now back in the US on H1B visa. I have received my EAD. Please advise! I am in desperation!
Detailed biographic data

Gking, here\'s the data:
1988-1990 Came to US as student, and attended university
1990 - 1994 Dropped out of university, but studied part time in community college
1994 - 1996 Attended another university full time with new I-20. Graduated with bachelors.
1996 - 1998 Attended university full time and graduated with masters.
1998 - 2000 Went home
2000 to now On H1B

I am concerned now this is causing a problem with ability to adjust status to PR. Do you know if I can use 245i? I had though that by leaving the country, and coming back on good status, and staying in good status now, a problem could be avoided. But this does not appear to be the case! Please, any help is appreciated!
File 245(i) supplement with $1000 fine ...

and you should be OK.

* Disclaimer: Use the info at your own risk. I am NOT a lawyer *
Thank you...

Thanks - I hope you are right. Our lawyer seems hesitant, but I have provided all documents that I have, and hopefully he will say the same thing as you did. Sai ram.