Anybody with AP Pending Approval before the RD 6/6/2003

Originally posted by tsc-jjs
Does my AP pending hold the longest wait record?

R/D 11/22/2003

It must have been lost, I guess. What they gonna do with my $110? Can I appeal?

Advice needed.

Sorry for the typo.

it is 11/22/2002

(by now, 13 months with no approval)
Strange validity date in AP


Finally I got the Ap's from my lawyer today. RD May 27 / AD Jan 14
Strage thing is that the validity of AP is from 1/2/04 but the "ONLINE" message says that the case was approved on 01/14/04 !! ( the lawyer got them on 01/20/04)

Another 12 days lost !!.
With the AP these days each "day" is important ; INS does not understand this :mad: