Anybody still waiting for approval with ND 9/00 or before


Registered Users (C)
Just wanted to find out how many people are still waiting
with 9/00 or earlier ND. My RD & ND is 9/00, my case
doesn\'t seem to be going any where. Attorney says it is
normal and there are lot of people who filed around that time
are waiting. I do not know what to do. Any help is greatly

My details are

PD 3/99 - EB2 India
RD,ND 9/00
EAD approved 02/01
AP approved 11/00
FP completed 02/01 as per schedule, FBI sent report 02/01
Last time I called INS the IIO told me that my case has been
assigned to an officer on 2/27.
Still no approval or RFE...
ND 10/00

I am also in the same boat as you.
The details:
PD - 09/99
I-485 ND - 10/00
FP - 02/01
Still waiting.
My lawyer says the same thing: CSC is processing randomly. Nothing much can be done about it.

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Look around on this site- you will feel better. There are many cases before your RD/ND, that are pending. Although, many are there that are approved also after your RD/ND. But that is what it is all about. You don\'t know how INS works.
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My ND is 10/00 no FP yet... At least you guys have had your FP done.
I wonder how many posters have ND XX/00 with unresolved cases. I would think there are only a handful at least for CSC.
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chinkoy what are you doing. It is almost a year now call CSC and ask for the FP. Talk to your lawyer too.

Thanks for all your replies, it cetainly feels better to
know that I am not alone.

I am wondering if there is anything we can do instead of
just waiting.

On my part I am going to request my attorney to send an
enquiry to INS. Also do you think that calling INS like
once every other week would help?
Sriram, is your AP exipring soon...

... because mine expires in 12/01 and my lawyer sent me
extension papers to file extension of AP
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I\'ve done most of the tips like
1. calling up IIO (customer service personnel most likely) several times, got connected and talked with at least 5, each with varying response. Bottomline is FP scheduling is a different system which IIO does not have access to (I hope I am wrong).
2. faxing to 949-389-3484. Actually got a response which says to wait for 4 to 6 weeks. I\'m on the 5th week.
3. sending a mail inquiry with no response.
4. Talked with lawyer, their trying their best with a liaison at CSC.
I will probaby go to ASC (Oakland) and hope for the best that something good will happen. The last time I spoke with an IIO was 6 weeks ago, will try again within the next couple of days...
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I am not on AP. I am still on H1 which is due to expire in another 4 months.
Probably if nothing comes thru in the next 2 months, I will switch to EAD and AP.

Since 180 days are over we filed...

... if unfortunately anyone is fired are laid off waht are the

I came to know that once 180 days are over all one needs
is a job in the similar field.

Anyone has any more information on this subject?
Can we do anything to expedite, together

Like calling the senator/house reps, sending letters to INS etc.
Atleast INS CSC should process the cases on FIFO basis.
We are seeing some approvals of cases with ND 02/01 and 03/01.
That does not make sense. May be we can all write to the
congress sub-committe on immigration.

Please suggest some alternatives, may be we all unitedly
persue things could be better.
Re: Count me in

Hi guys,

Count me in
RD 02/01/01
AP 3/1/01
EAD 3/7/01
FP 04/25/01
WAC# 01-093

Got an e-mail from my atterney. Says: " It is not uncomon for the general information officers to not be able to acess the FP info. The current processing time is anywhere up to 18months. i am sure you are aware that the INS processing is not always consistent and therefore it is possible for more recently filed case to have been approved, and our office has indeed received some approvals within 6 months but this is not the norm. The vast majority of cases do in fact get processed in the order received.

That is guys, go figure.

Hope this is helpful

Take care