Anybody march RD/ND till waiting for FP

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While a lot of what INS does doesn\'t make sense but does anyone have a theory how INS is issuing FP notices? Country? EB? ND?
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inser, what are you planning to do? I am also in the same boat and called up INS. They told me they are still adjudicating 10/99 cases and it will take 6 months to send my FP. What did they tell you? Does Faxing about FP notice to INS will help?
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I do not know what to do? IIO\'s dont give info.....They are tool lazy to check the FP database. Lawyers do not care and reply to my calls. Some folks get good iio\'s..They tell clearly when it was sent and various things.......but I have not been lucky. I just have to wait.
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Finally got my & my spouse\'s FP notice scheduled for 04/13. It\'s good friday. Does anyone know if the INS does remain open on a good friday.

Thanks in advance...