Anybody knows the reason for GC processing slowdown

September is quiet time in government as it is end of fiscal year. could be because of that.

Then what about April, May, June, July. August? Slow months too? This lot of people don't want to work. That's the reason for this slowdown. No motivation, incentive or NEED to work!

Here is the reason,

The government found out that NOT ALL applicants really DESERVE a green card and since they are very few to offer nowadays, they are separating them into two categories; the majority are deemed NOT TO FIT and the minority is deemed SECURE. In addition most of the applicants in the majority, were found not to know what a green card really is and thus were put into a CONDITIONAL state; once they are given their green card, it will have no photo on it (interim GC)and they will have to pass a yearly exam on IMMIGRATION. At the end of the 5 years and if successful they will be given a green card with a photo. Applicants from MARS are totally EXCLUDED!

Now you figure out!
Re: Reason

Originally posted by cinta
Applicants from MARS are totally EXCLUDED!


- Can I see your alien registration card? Now, can I see your OTHER alien registration card?
[Men in Black, 1997]

Or, from the same source:

- There are approximately 1500 aliens in Manhattan.
- Cab drivers?
- Not as many as you think.

INS or BCIS doesn't work during the summer months, also in fall... winter... spring... holiday whole year round!!!!

"80% Success is showing up every day" - Woody Allen

USCIS officials are 80% successful. This explains backlog at USCIS.
Originally posted by pingpong02
What would be the speed if they were 100% successful ?
It is not worth discussing the impossible event.

They can achieve 100% success only if they outsource to the shredder fame California Contractor.!!!!!!!!!!!
Further I-485 Backlog

This backlog will keep growing. One of my neighbor told me that re-registration for the people from predominently muslim countries will start again shortly. It will definitele pull out BCIS resources just like last year again. This can be translated into further delay in I-485 approval.
Mercury and Mars are RETROGRADE

Guys its all because of Mercury and Mars Retrograde untill September 27th,

:p :p :p :D :D :D
Re: Mercury and Mars are RETROGRADE

That explains it. :p
What about uranus !

Originally posted by GClessJOB
Guys its all because of Mercury and Mars Retrograde untill September 27th,

:p :p :p :D :D :D
BCIS officers looking into the records of ISABEL, if she has legal status to enter etc.. :)

No Reason...They are thinking of a reason for the backlog..
That's the Reason.. :) :)
Originally posted by vijayrc
BCIS officers looking into the records of ISABEL, if she has legal status to enter etc.. :)

No Reason...They are thinking of a reason for the backlog..
That's the Reason.. :) :)

They are looking at Arnold's immigration files and trying to see if he violated his B1 business visa by getting a salary, some thirty years ago! Then they will decide if his citizenship is genuine. The kennedys will have to testify and this may take a long time..
Re: Re: Anybody knows the reason for GC processing slowdown

Originally posted by dsatish
Because the job market is slowing down :p
I don't think so.
The USCIS is not smart to think about economy.
Good bless poor USCIS.
other thought

If those workers work hard and fast, then there is not much work and they will be lay off by government. So, better just say: "Hey, we got work to do, so government still need them to work"