Anybody ever had N400 processed from Sioux Falls, SD ASC?


Registered Users (C)
Update - N400 timeline for Saint Paul (DO)/NSC

01-FEB-2006: Application Mailed(USPS Express)
02-FEB-2006: Application Received
02-FEB-2006: Check Cashed
02-Feb-2006: Priority Date
15-Feb-2006: NOA Date
16-Feb-2006: NOA Mailed
21-Feb-2006: NOA Received
02-Mar-2006: FP Notice Date
03-Mar-2006: FP Notice Mailed
06-Mar-2006: FP Notice Received
17-Mar-2006: FP Appointment at Sioux Falls, SD ASC

Status: Waiting For Interview...

The lady officer told me that Sioux Falls, SD ASC do conduct interviews. I was sort of surprised as it is a very small office. I was expecting interview @St Paul DO.