Anybody done FP ahead of Schedule at Oakland!

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It is very hard to get FP done ahead of schedule
at Oakland. My wife did it, but only because she
said I had already done my ahead of schedule
at San Jose, and she didn\'t want to hold her
case up.

Even then, she had to argue with the security guard
and eventually the manager intervened.

Perhaps you should go ahead of schedule to San Jose
or SF.

Hope this helps.

Bongo A Gogo
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Thanks for sharing the information, what was your experince like at San Jose, didn\'t ASC objected to you getting FP done at a different SC. Has anyone else also done this before, if yes, did it delay the processing or not? I just wish to know the implications of getting the FP done at a different SC than the one you are assigned to.
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Please read the EXPERIENCES section on Ciba\'s page.

It contains at least 20+ experiences of people going early,
going to different ASC etc.