Anybody approved today? I don\'t see anyone.

INS Vermont Practice advisory flash as of 04/30/02


Check this out : ( Page down to Vermont Section)

key items in the "Practice Advisory":

1. Mandatory security check for all applications resulting in a delay of atleast one month in sending out approval notices ( except N-400 Naturalization applications)

2. Zero tolerance policy.

Let us pray!

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1Thessalonians 5:16-18"

My info PD 09/98,RD:06/16/01,ND:08/16/01,FP:12/07/01 (EAC# not disclosed by lawyer. Weird company policy!! We are indeed hitech slaves keeping America running ever so smoothly on the Information Super Highway and yet have the patience to put up with computer systems at INS that make the tortoise laugh all the way to the victory line!
Approvals have really slowed-down -

however many attorneys have stated that there is no delay. I am very confused. Not sure whether I should wait for GC, which could take forever, or use the AC21 180 days portability rule. One attorney said that the AC21 regulations may be published in June 02 which will bring some clarity to the portability issue. Net result career and life is in a mess.
Life sucks

My intention is not to scare any one but I heard that experts
are expecting another recession.
God help us.........
Well, not exactly, dude

A lot will depend on the trigger-happy president and his crew. If they embark on an Iraqi invasion, then God help us all. I think they know better than that. I hope they would wait until the economy is strong enough and the oil reserves are sufficient before invading Iraq.
This 2002 year is good for nothing. All problems carried on to this year from 2001.

Hope everything goes good for all of us whatever may be the reason (eg. INS restructuring etc..)

Did you apply for EAD??? If you have then you can find the EAC# on the EAD. Just for your information.