Any WAC 01-296 still waiitng?


Registered Users (C)
I was wondering if I was the only one waiting...

Website says they'll arrange for an interview...
can anyone help me with what to expect?

I dont know the reason for my interview but I'm guessing 'cos I changed 3 jobs after filing for I-485 (got layed off thrice) luckily after 180 days of filing.

Good thing is I still have a job... :)

I don't know how complicated the interview is going to be

I'll outlast you junior.

Seems like, I've started taking pride in being one of the oldest ones. :)

-WAC 01 297 xxxxx
Ya ya Vipsa. I know, you are great great ... grand pa. You lead the WAC 01 crowd and I'm on this side of the fence with you. :)

-One day at a time.
SPAM: "All hope abandon, ye who enter in!"

When I read this thread, unfortunatelly, this is that occures to me.