Any unfortunate souls like me - RD 09/18/01


is exactly a month from yours. Does that count? :(

I dont know whats happening. More than 50% of Octobers have been processed... I guess some people like us dont have any luck.

Oh well :(
I know how badly u r waiting for gc. Our RD is Sep 26th 2001 & our gc is approved on Jan 24th 2003. RFE on oct 22nd 2002. I too experienced the same as u does. I wish u both a sooner permanent residency!
I'm here too. Although I got an RFE a long time back my reply itself has taken almost a quarter of a year for them. I am so bloody mad!
Hey buddy,

atleast you should be happy..:). I didnt get any RFE and contacted local senator. It seems Officer has requested my i-140 file from stroage. i dont know weather file in

another Sep Case - 09/04

RD: 09/04/01
ND: 11/06/01
FP: 02/12/02
AD: ????????

EB2 / NJ

No Ref.....
How can you expect the whole month gets approved on one stroke ? If it is so some body says it should be 2 month block.
Give some time.

The pain of waiting increase if you are desparate.

Think that 50% are with me. Not the 50% left you. Becasue, we cannot do any thing except to get some streangth of morale.

All get approvals .. friends !!
be patient on GC
How can you expect the whole month gets approved on one stroke ? If it is so some body says it should be 2 month block.
Give some time.

The pain of waiting increase if you are desparate.

Think that 50% are with me. Not the 50% left you. Becasue, we cannot do any thing except to get some streangth of morale.

All get approvals .. friends !!
have patience
You are not alone.

RD Sep 14, 2001
ND Nov 09, 2001
FP Feb 27, 2002
EAD June 2002
Left Company Feb 2003
Status: Looking for job in case get an RFE screwed. Previous employer is not co-operating after working 4/12 years. My salary was approved 90K and job title Marketing Director. In such sluggish economy it is not hard to find something for 90K but tough to find job similar to my title. But guys no worry at all. If still get tgreen card will be thankful if not be greatful to go abck to my country I left 11 years ago. Cheer:)

Please have a faith in god and everything will be OK. My sincere wishes are with you.
