Any suggestions


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Thanks for your ongoing support. Mine mailing for concurrent processing was 01/28/2003. This is what I heard from my lawyer:

I just spoke to the BCIS regarding your case. According to them, they lost
the G28s for your case, and that is the reason receipts were not sent to
our office. Therefore, I am going to send you new G28s to sign and send
back so that we can get Fragomen as your attorney of record. Regardless,
the officer told me that you should have received the receipts directly
from BCIS.

According to her, it won't have any affect on my case. It is still under regular processing. Is there enough reason to believe my lawyer.
Thapa, sit tight ! Dont start worrying !


Dont worry too much...
Everyone who files for GC always worried about small things.. You are not an exception.

Regarding the G28s, I dont know what it is, but apparently, something that can be sent again, you hv no option but to believe your lawyer.

Lawyer may hv screwed up and may not hv sent all the paper work and is covering his A** by blaming the INS. It should not affect your I-140 may delay it a little.

You are in for a long wait.. afew days this way or that ways is not going to change your life (hopefully).

Be prepared for a long wait and dont start panicking about everything. I mean the best for you and get ready for a roller coster ride.....
FORM G28 is Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative.

Just be careful with your attorney if he forgot to include that.
Thanks vaga for your much needed support. Yes, you are right in the sense, it is a long wait.
usnycus, yes G28 actually represents your attorney on your behalf. It seems lawyer has posted that G28 again (if I believe her) and let us wait and watch.

thanks guys
I was concerned with your case based on what you told. You need to find soon. I had bad experirnce about my H1 application two years ago because my lawyer lied to me. Believe me if lawyer screwed up, they always can find excuses to avoid being blamed. There are two reasons I suspect.

1. G28 is a form for you to authorize your lawyer to do whatever you want him to do. It is impossible to lost all of G28. For each case, you have one G28. If just one case, it migh be possible. At least, I believe that lawyer lied to you. Each G28 should be packaged for specific case like I765, I 140, I485. How could you lost all of G28s. If it is true (It is 100% unbievable. I suspected the point 2.

2. If you lost all of G28s, but I believe that your cases were still processed by the lawyer since I assumed that you hire the lawyer. So all of your papers must have signed your lawyer's names. That would cause problem. You lost all of G28 forms, legally you didn't authorize your lawyer to do anything for you. But you assumed that you authorized him/her since you thought that lawyer had submitted all of G28 forms so lawyer had signed all of your papers. Imagine what happened. The paper works are incompleted and mistakes. If someone signed the named on your paper, the person must appear on G28 (who doesn't have to be lawyer, it could be HR person depending on who you want to authorie). If someone signed the names doesn't on G28 forms, INS will reject. I am not trying to scare you. I don't want you be fooled by anyone. Need to find out soon. Otherwise, it is so time-consuming. Best luck.

Originally posted by bhadur_thapa
Thanks for your ongoing support. Mine mailing for concurrent processing was 01/28/2003. This is what I heard from my lawyer:

I just spoke to the BCIS regarding your case. According to them, they lost
the G28s for your case, and that is the reason receipts were not sent to
our office. Therefore, I am going to send you new G28s to sign and send
back so that we can get Fragomen as your attorney of record. Regardless,
the officer told me that you should have received the receipts directly
from BCIS.

According to her, it won't have any affect on my case. It is still under regular processing. Is there enough reason to believe my lawyer.
hsteven29 response...

I may be wrong but from what i recollect, i had only one G28 for the bunch of my applications (140/131/495/765). it was a concurrent filing. similarly my wife's applications had one G28...