Any suggestion


Registered Users (C)
A RFE has been issued for me for employment letter. Any body has an experience what should be in the letter. My Salary and responsibilities has been changed since I applied for my I485. Should the letter reflect the original information or I should put my new responsibilies and and new salary.
No Title

Can you please post your dates...
In RFE you should have position, salary, length of your employment, etc..
Pretty simple, but the lawyer should be the one to tell you.
No Title

yes always reflect latest information.....INS knows our salary changes over a period of problem with that !!
No Title


Here are my info:
Country other
RD: Oct 16 1999
ND: Oct 24 1999
FP: Sept 7 2000
No Title

I just talked with my athorney and he mentioned I need to reflect the original responsibilies that was filed for my I140 but the salary should be current.
I hope this will help.
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my lawyer drafted a verbose letter which our HR trimmed
to just 3 small paragraphs... here\'s the empl letter submitted to ins...

To whom it may..:

We submit this letter in support of the application of ..... who has
been an active empl of ... since .....

He is currently employed as . His
current salary is ... annually.

Shoud you have any questions ....please contact HR at .... Thank You.
