Any Sept 2001 filers left?


Registered Users (C)
I wonder if I am the only unucky one around. Is there anyone in the same boat with me?

My info:
RD 9/21/2001
ND 10/24/2001
RFE: 1/21/2003
AD: ?????????

Lost my patience!
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one more LIN02015XXXXX

RD: Sep 2001
ND: Oct 2001
FP: April 2002
RFE: Dec 2002

FP will expire next week.
I'm a member of this club too!


There's nothing we can do but wait. I don't think talking to an IIO or getting in touch with a Senator's office will make any *!@#$%^ difference.
What can we do?

I tried everything from calling IIO every other week, yell at lawyer every other day, and conctacted senator, but none did anything useful. Just feel better for a couple hours after doing those stuff, then back to anxiety mode.

I think I might try Prozac next.
:( :mad:
I got 2 RFEs so far and can you believe that the 2nd one was a re-worded version of the 1st? Replied to the last one at the end of March and so far the only update on the BCIS site has been that the wait time has increased. I probably should change my handle to waiting_010203...or better still waiting_for_ever!

And as I have said before, there's probably NOTHING we can do, no point in calling an IIO or lawyer or senator. Only the Almighty can help!

I'm beyond being tired and fed up, just need closure on this one.
One more member of Sept'01 club
RD 9/2001
ND 10/2001
RFE 12/2002
RFE Replied 2/2003
Now in eternal wait.. Hang in there guyz...:eek:
name checking

My attorney called INS last month. She has been told my last name is too common so there are a lot hits. Maybe that is the big reason for delay.

But VSC is ahead of NSC although name checking procedure is same. I guess NSC is trying to find out good excuses to let them escape the blames.
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