Any Sep02 cases have not been touched at all


Registered Users (C)
Any Sep02 cases which are not concurrrent filling, have not been touched at all?
No 2nd FP, no RFE, no anything.
My info is as stated in my signature. I faxed BCIS May 13, 2004. No movement on my case, not even touched no 2nd FP :mad:
you may get 2nd FP notice. Lot of people including my self got 2nd FP notice recently. Mine is not too close to yours.
It's A Circus

Buddy, Sept. 02 files seem too high on the shelves unreachable by Rocket's Yao.

EB-1: wac-02-272-5****
RD: 9/3/02
2 APs, 2EADs
FP: 10/02----no news ever since
Very Slow

Still waiting for 2nd FP...
Sep 02 need to wait for six to one year to be touched..

IIO gave useless info

Hi guys,

Spoke to IIO today,she read the case status which is available online and said the they are processing March cases. If there is a need refingerprinting then they will send it through snail mail :mad:

I 485 RD : Sep 2002
WAC 0227******
Sep 02 Case

Today (5/27) - last updated date is changed from 10/21/03 to 05/27/04.
Without msg change.

Case Status

My case is of Sept 02 also. My 1st FP was on 10/31/02 but my online status was never updated it still says "On October 10, 2002, we mailed a notice requesting that you appear for fingerprint recording......."
I called the FP office they claim the FP was processed and sent to BCIS.
BCIS says they MAY have received it but it will be updated when a officer gets assigned the case.
Is anybody else in a similar situation?

140/485 filed concurrrent
WAC 022855xxxx
1st FP Notice Oct 10 (done on Oct 31)
2nd FP still awaiting Notice
2nd EAD Approved 04/16/04
2nd AP - applied for

I'm in the same boat.

EB-1: wac-02-272-5****
RD: 9/3/02
2 APs, 2EADs
FP: 10/02----no news ever since
May2002 to July2002: Post your touch dates for 485s including dependents

We all are riding the same boat! :confused:

Has anyone in WAC-02-214-xxxxx series seen any updates to their cases?

No 2nd FP Request, No RFE"s

Last Update/Touch date:07/2003.

Case History:

485 RD:06/21/2002
485 ND:06/24/2002
1st FP: 08/16/2002
Till current: 3EAD'S + 3AP'S
Any update on this topic? Some Aug02 cases have received 2nd FP. Anybody with
Sep02 ND have any movement?
annet said:
Any Sep02 cases which are not concurrrent filling, have not been touched at all?
No 2nd FP, no RFE, no anything.

Any update on this topic? Any lucky 2nd FP or approval?
got 2FP notice

Hi All,
Got 2nd FP notice dated 7/1/04 and scheduled on 7/15/04. My case is non-concurrent EB3. Case was never touched.