Any Santa Ana Early FP Experience


Registered Users (C)
Hi Fellows

Has anybody done FP @ Santa Ana earlier than the Scheduled Date??? Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated.

Did my FP before Scheduled date

Our FP was scheduled for 08/31/01 but we went to the Santa Ana center on 08/15/01. The person at the information desk after looking at our Notices gave us a small note with reason \'Too Early\' and forms to fill up and asked us to look out for the INS officer in GREEN PANTS..
When we saw a lady in Green Pants, looking authoritative....we went to her with the small note and forms. She didn\'t question as to why we were early and put some remarks on the form and asked us to go to another desk with the forms. At the desk she asked me for ID and also if I had my EAD. We hadn\'t carried our EADs and said I have my Passport with H1. She said it\'s OK and gave me a number for Finger Printing. After about 5 mins my number was called and I completed the process.
The whole process took about 30 minutes and was a nice experience.
Hope this helps


Thanks a lot for sharing your expirience. I wonder what your thought is as to whether this expedites the process.


I\'m not sure if it expedites the process or not...but I\'ve seen some cases where someone got the FP done before schedule and got their Approvals by Scheduled FP date. But that was B9-11..before Sept 11th.
I\'m still waiting for my Approval. CSC,RD 04/02, ND 04/19.
Good Luck
My FP was on 11/07/01. But I got it done on 10/03/01

My FP was on 11/07/01. But I went to Sanata Ana on 10/03/01 to ask if I can reschedule the date. But the INS office told me to get it done the same day. And I complted the process in 30 minutes. So go to Sanat Ana tomorrow and get it done.
That was goood info


Will take your advice and get it done next week. Thanks for the help
