Any RFE approvals recently


Registered Users (C)
My rd is 10/04/2001 and I got RFE on birth certificate on 10/30/2002. I submitted the RFE papers on Jan-8,2003.

Is there any approvals for RFE cases recently?


haven't really any approvals in the past 2 months (rfe or non rfe). my rd is 10/12/01. i also got a rfe for a birth certificate. ins received my response on 11/22/02. since then nothing.
RD 10/9

RFE response updated on Nov 27th.
spoke with IIO yesterday, said.. it will take atleast a month or two...
Birth certificate ???

Hi ,

Would appreciate if you guys can share what exactly the rfe was?
I mean was the BC submitted in native language or are there any mistakes in it.

These two case are approved

eac0205050239 Approved 01/10/03 Approved/Completed RFE recvd 11/20/02 RFE recvd
eac0205051082 Approved 01/10/03 Approved/Completed RFE recvd 11/19/02 RFE recvd

I talked to IIO yesterday--as per her the RFE cases will take upto 3 months from date of receiving the response due to heavy backlog & checks....

For my wife's RFE the response was updated on 11/13/2002--she said may take another 30-60 days......

Gues have to be patient

I got the RFE on birth certificate because somebody gave me wrong suggestion to get the birth certificate from Indian Embessey and submit for I-485. INS don't accept any certificates i.e birth or marriage issued by Indian Embessey based on passport particulars.


RD 10/05/01
ND 11/20/01
EAC 02042?????

RFE 11/15/02

INS Received on 12/18/02

AD 01/09/03


My RFE was becasue I didn't have a birth certificate from a local authority so I had submitted a birth certificate from the hospital + some other documents that I had. However, INS requires a birth certificate with a translation from the local authority in India for anyone born after 1969. Local authority is like a Municipal Corporation, etc. It is important that the date of registeration is quite close to the actual date of birth or else they might question the authenticity of the birth certificate.

The birth certificate is important for two reasons:

1) Identity - you are actually the child of your parents, etc.
2) Chargeability - as you know there are per country restrictions on number of green card apporvals per country. So birth certificate is important so that they can charge the right country. For this the passport is not sufficient becasue one could be born in country X and hold the passport of country Y.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Sambhar

Hi Sambhar,


It is important that the date of registeration is quite close to the actual date of birth or else they might question the authenticity of the birth certificate.

Thank you for responding. I have a question, what do you mean by date of reg is quite close to DOB. I got Birth Cert for my spouse and me from the local municipalities before applying our 485 . My RD is 2/15/02 and the date of issuance on our BC is sometime in Nov/Dec 2001. Is it a problem.

Also, can you tell me what docs you sent in reply to this RFE.

Thanks very much
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I don't know if it will be a problem or not. With INS everthing is vague. From all the research I did on the subject the following is very important on the birth certificate:

1) Your name correctly spelt
2) Date and place of birth
3) Date when birth was registered
4) Both the parents' names correctly spelt.

Here are the relevant portions from an INS manual I found on a website:

Evidence of Birth/ Birth Certificate

The applicant must submit evidence of their place of birth for purposes of chargeability, identity and derivative relationship. The most common evidence is the birth certificate. The birth certificate must:

• be issued by a recognized civil authority from the applicant's country of birth,
• be timely registered,
• show date and place of birth, and
• show the names of both parents.

*Note: If the document is written in another language, the applicant must include a certified English translation.

Verify the data on the I-485 with information from the birth certificate. If the name or date of birth is not complete or correct, you must make corrections to the I-485 with red ink and update CLAIMS with the correct data.

There is other acceptable evidence of the place of birth for an applicant. If you do not have, or cannot get, the applicant's birth certificate, the following documents may be acceptable as secondary evidence:
• the biographical data pages of the applicant's passport;
• baptismal certificates; or
• affidavits (these may be substituted for certain countries, see FAM when in question).

This evidence can establish chargeability, identity and derivative relationships for dependent spouse and children.

-retroactive birth certificate-possible fraud
-rectification of birth certificate-possible fraud
-date added later to birth certificate-possible fraud
Thanks Sambhar

Hi Sambhar,

Thank you. Can you tell me what docs you have submitted for rfe. As our BC are issued recently , I guess it will be treated as retroactive BC , kinda worried now.


You are welcome. In my case, my birth was actually registered within a week. So, the date on registeration on my birth certifcate is pretty close to my actual date of birth.

However, don't worry too much about it. Wait till they get to your paperwork. I know some friends whose birth certficates were retroactive but they got their green card without a hitch. I guess you will just have to wait and see.
Guys don't say like that. I had submitted my Indian Embassy birth certificate. Didn't submit the local one. But I've submitted my nationality certificate. Still haven't heard anything, no RFE so far .....

Also, 2 of my friends were approved recently (Sept) with Embassy issued birth certificates ....

I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Thanks again!

Hey Sambhar,

Thanks again.
King Kong your RD is in Sept 01 , wish you get approval soon.
