Any recent experience of stamping at San Jose?


Registered Users (C)
I am planning to go on Thursday morning, and going by the most recent experience posted here, which I think was last month, plan to arrive there at 3 am or thereabouts. If anybody has more recent information on the situation, I would appreciate hearing from them.

I have not yet received the courtesy copy of the approval which the INS is supposed to send me, but I know that the original has been sent to the lawyer, who is due to send it to me tomorrow.
Did PP stamping on September 4th

Hi Spancha
I did PP stamping on September 4th. I went around 3:30 AM . The line started moving around 7:30 am.
I was given token# 68. I was called at about 10:30 am and the whole process was over in about 5 minutes.

A few suggestions:
1. Take a folding chair as the wait is long.
2. Dress in warm clothing. It gets chilly in the morning.

Good luck.
Did u get notice??

Mine was approved on Sept. 7 as per AVM. No notice yet. I have moved since I applied for I-485. How about you? Did u get ur notice? How many days after approval?

thanks - Pramod
Lawyer did, I did not

See Maja\'s very good detailed posting on this elsewhere - apparently the Post Office does not forward the INS mail if you have moved, and it is usually unlikely that INS will have recorded your change of address. Check with your lawyer - the approval copy they get is probably the only one you will ever see!