Any Oct 99 cases still Pending...

A BCdef

Registered Users (C)

My dates are as follows : EB3 - VSC

Prority Date - 09/28/1998
Receipt Date - 10/04/1999
Notification Date - 10/13/1999
FP Date - 03/08/2001
RFE Issued by INS for Employment Letter - 06/13/2001
RFE Recieved by INS - 07/02/2001
The AVM Says that the RFE was recieved on July 2nd. Still Waiting for Approval...
I think the 99 guys are just tired of posting!

I\'m still here, ND 10/99 - no RFE. Lawyer says that he has cases who\'ve been waiting longer than I. I need to dig out my list and post it, but I know of 10-12 other posters who have been waiting just as long - all of them with RFEs like you, rc_12.
Here you go .. . . .

Mine is Nov.1999. RFE received by INS is on June 16th. Still waiting for Approval. Lawyer said he is going to call again on 4 th of Sept. After the long week end to chek the status.My lawyer called INS 2 times and got the same answer - "wait another 30 days".
same boat

PD 10/98, ND 10/99, FP 03/01, FP redo 07/01, RFE issued on Aug 17; not yet received.

going insane
Here is everybody I know of from 1999

All of these are from immigrationportal, none from immitracker. I hope the formatting is preserved. Excel converted 8/99 to 01-Aug-99 etc. I didn\'t bother to change it. rc_12, I think you are the same as gc_ss, right?

I haven\'t updated this in about a week.

Name ND Comments
Kovai Kumar 01-Aug-99
hope485 01-Aug-99 RFE 3/01
krodhi_aatma 01-Aug-99 A-140 approved 6/01
vscdec97 01-Sep-99 RFE 11/00 A140 5/11/01
arvind1 01-Sep-99 IGATE
sugreev 01-Sep-99 Igate, A140 ND 7/22/01 filed 5/1/1
dec97 01-Sep-99 A140 7/00 RFE 9/00
akashganga 01-Sep-99 IGATE RFE1 7/18/01
psharma 01-Sep-99 RFE 1/1 A140 6/01
Rajiv Gandi 01-Sep-99 A140 5/01 RFE repl. 8/17/01 IGATE
beegee 01-Oct-99 RFE response 6/6/01
nd_oct_99_igate 01-Oct-99
remon des 10-Oct-99 RFE 3/24/01
gc_ss/rc_12 13-Oct-99 RFE1 6/13/01 Responded 7/02/01
Rajan Mani 01-Nov-99 RFE replied 6/16; EAC-000-350-XXXX
485_oct99_waiter01-Nov-99 FP Redo 5/15/01
princeofpersia 01-Nov-99 RFE repl 7/11/01
jc yz 02-Nov-99 FP1: 3/20/01 RFE 4/27/01
AC21orI140 15-Nov-99 RFE 7/25/01
CHAMPAK2000 23-Nov-99
phil spears IGATE RFE 7/19
Torture of Patience 01-Dec-99 RFE Sent 3/01; recvd 6/01
 b c 01-Oct-99 RFE issued 6/2001; sent 6/29/01
whatthehell 28-Sep-99 RFE issued 6/25/01; recvd 7/11/01
mirage 01-Oct-99 RFE recvd 7/12/01; recvd 8/17/01
Still waitin...

"out of time" has me in his list... RFE recd by INS on 6/29/2001.
Dates are similar to RC_12...except FP done on Aug/14/2001..

No Title

I think "whatthehell" has been approved.
I think some of them have been approved (eg Srini babu and/or Akashganga)
thanks for the updates

b c, princeofpersia: thanks for the updates. I will make them in my spreadsheet.

Best of luck to all waiting.
FP in 2001, is that a typo?

bc, you said your FP was done on 8/14/2001. Tell me that this was a typo. If 99 people are getting fingerprints done so late, then something is very very wrong!!!