any Oct,2001 filer left?

There are guys from Sept too!!

And probably earlier too.

RD 9/13/01
ND 10/16/01
FP 1/17/02

No RFE or second fingerprinting
Guys I am in the same boat ...

RD 10/29/2001
ND 11/19/2001

FP 03/29/2002
RFE Recd : 03/27/2003

No second FP, No approval yet ....
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One more from September

FP: Dec 01

No RFE. No 2nd FP. Called 800 no. last week, She said "call after a month"
just wonder

that maybe we are all stuck here because of the security check, friends on the same boat, is your last name a very common one in your country? mine is:(
RD: Oct '01
RFE response received by BICS: Mar '03

I don't know whether security check is to blame. If that is the case, how can we expect DHS to safeguard this country if they can't even determine whether an alien is on the "black list" after months of scrutiny? I believe this is a good reason for us to take the case to senators and congressmen or congresswomen. Delay in approving our case is not only a pain inflicted upon us law-abiding immigrants, it is also a serious security issue for this country. Think about the damage a potential terrorist can do without being caught by FBI or DHS for months even when his or her name is submitted for clearance. We should definitely make the link between speeding up I-485 approval with catching potential terrorists and beefing up homeland security in this country.
excellent point!!!

but I don't know how much help that congressman or senator can be, I have contacted them both, senator said no budget, congressman helped to find out that they are waiting for the security check result for my case months ago. and I am still waiting...:(
Frankly since green card holders or I-485 applicants can't vote, few people care about our plight. But if we link the slow pace of security check with failure to stop terrorism, some congressmen or senators would love to jump on it. After all nothing adds more to a legislator's credentials than beefing up this country's security.
Me toooooooooooooooo

I am waiting toooooooooooooo.

RD OCT 2001
ND NOV 2001

2FP MAR 2003
RFE FEB 2003

WAITING ????????
All the govt agencies know how to pick out few stone froms a sack of rice. Eventhough after the rice sack is cleared from stones, all the rice grains are not cooked on the same day....

We all are like rice grains cleared of security clearence (stones), and waiting to be processed....

What I meant to say is there is no use of nocking the doors of congress men/women with security clearance....

I like the rice analogy, but frankly I don't think it actually tells the story about the imcompetence of the security check system. You assume they can spot terrorists right way. The truth is that they can't.

RFE:Rec'd by BCIS Feb'26,2003
Applied for 3rd EAD.

All the guys playing the waiting game, Our day will come!

Wait on and don't let the waiting get the best of you, but you get the best of the waiting.

Coz' i've Imagined the Worst, Lived thru the Worst, Left the Worst Behind! and now moved on and doing what i need to do to enjoy life.

Good Luck U all!
