Any NOV 2001 RD/ND cases??


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I have been a silent visitor of this forum since long. Today I decided to break my silence and the silence on my case is deafening. Just wanted to know if there are other people in the same boat as I am in. Here are my case details:
PD: 12/2000
AP & EAD:12/01/02(Second one, ready to apply for the 3rd time)
AD: Ever Eluding

Is it time for me to approach someone in Senate/Congress for help, or should I just hang around, :confused: Please help me out of this confusion( I have seen posts of people in worser conditions, hence the confusion).

If there is anywhere one can learn about the virtue of patience, it is here. This forum is a personfication of patience. God Bless all.
You have to wait for some more time

Currently you have to wait for 2 yrs to enquire about your case status from NSC according to BCIS customer service.
So wait for 2 more months, hopefully you would have got it by then.
Good luck
I am sure there are plenty of people from Nov/Dec..
Well, I myself have Oct 01 RD, as do a few others on this forum.

I think it would definitely be a good idea to contact a Senator. Dont know how much it would help, but still..
Thanks for your replies...

Whats another 2 months after 22 months, probably I should wait for another 2 months and then contact the representatives.

From what I understand BCIS can even cold shoulder Senators with a cold reply, when it has official processing date earlier than the case the Senator/Congressman is enquiring abt. This is just my perception, may be BCIS is not that bad after all.

Worst case, renew EAD and AP and keep rolling.

Thanks much anyway,