Any New Baltimore Interviews?


Registered Users (C)
Since the old immigration site was not been used for writing, I lost the track
of the applicants who have received their interview notices. Are there any
other people on the list, who have not yet received the interviews? I
believe everyone should have, until this point I and Oh_my_god are
the applicants with December dates. Any one else.
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I am also waiting for interview notice from Baltimore. I visited Baltimore last week & they are saying that it may take 15-20 more days to schedule interview. My case was transferred to Baltimore on 13th of June. Officer there said that they received my case on 15th July. How can it take over a month from them to receive a notice from INS Vermont?

I am too frustrated.

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Hi Gama,

I have also not received an interview notice yet. My case was transferred to Baltimore INS on June 14. I visited Baltimore INS a couple of weeks back and they said if you don\'t hear from us in next 60 days come back.

Deeply frustrated with this never ending process.

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Hi vsc699 and UncleSham:

It is very frustrating. I realize this. Though my interview
is after 2 months, yet I know a date now. In your case, until
INS Baltimore send you the dates, it makes you very tense.
There are two solutions:
1)Write them a letter asking to tell the status of your interview
as I did. You can address this letter to INS in general Or to the director.
2)Some people also took the help of senators, I came to know from
some of my colleagues.

My guess is that 50% of the people from the old Baltimore Tracker
took some kind of actions to get their cases moving.

Please do not construe this as legal advise. It is my hunch and I
did no. 1, and my friend did no. 2 from the list. My friend is
interviewed long ago, I am waiting still.
Any way good luck. Keep posted as a new Baltimore tracker is
in progress.
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Thanks GAMA, will do one of two listed. Since I don\'t know about senators I may write them a letter. Let\'s see what happens.
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You do\'nt need to know senators personally. You can go
to homepage. you can find the addresses and
phone numbers there of your Zipcode. Write these people
letters. They usually take action, that is what I was

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Thanks for your suggestion. I am going to wait for next couple of weeks to see if something happens. I am under the impression that no new interviews are being scheduled to clear the citizenship applications. By the third week of October I hope to see some action. If I see no interview notice by then, I will write to INS as well as Maryland senetors. Could you please post the text of the letter that you wrote to Baltimore INS?


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Please look into old chat board and search my postings there.
You would find a sample there.
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Even I am waiting for the Interview notice. My case was transferred on the 14th of June. My lawyer enquired about my case last week by visiting the Baltimore Office. They have informed her that I should here from them within 3 weeks.

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Hi VSC899,
Who is your lawyer? I am debating if I should have legal rpresentation during my interview. Would you recommend her?

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It is always better to take the lawyer with you, even in the
straight case. You might have to pay a lille more, but worth.

I am paying about $900 extra, since the lawyer needs to fly
from IL and needs to stay here. Though case is clean,
but who knows what?