Any N400 Nationaliz. experience...Rahul? or others


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Hello all,

Is there anybody who applied in Boston for Nationaliz? I just applied in August and is having my FP in Mid Sept.

I applied in Boston (through Vermont Service Center)
Application: November 2003
FP: Dec. 2003
Interview: July 2004
the interview was very fast and on time
it's in JFK building in Boston
i did not like the interviewer: she appeared cold and bureaucratic, but i would not worry about it, cos i hear other people got very nice interviewers, so it's hit or miss :)
don't let it get to you too much: they interview sooo many people all day long and so i don't expect them to entertain me :)
she asked me the same questions as in the application (drugs, communist party, any kids, did i travel etc).
i did not really remember the exact dates for travelling, so i said i could look them up in my passport, but she said to just give her apporximate dates, so i did.
she asked me 10 questions out of the list of 100 questions that are posted everywhere on the web, so that was easy...i passed that part.
she also asked me to write down a sentence (don't remember which one, but it was very easy, something like: I would like to become a citizen of the United States) Don't worry, just prepare for the Civics Test well (100 questions...just for fun i also got a Barron's Book on Citizenship preparation and read it in my spare time...)
she asked me to sign the photos that she had in my file, and then she just kept stapling things and check-marking parts of the application with her red pen, so it looked like she is just wrapping up the whole thing and about to give me the oath letter. she gave me a piece of paper that has 3 options on it: "you passed and are recommended for approval", "you did not pass" and "the decision can not be made at this point"
at first she marked "you are recommended for approval" option, but then crossed it out and chose "the decision can not be made at this point"
she said they are waiting for my name to clear in their system, and then they will send me the oath letter in the mail, and at that point i did not ask any questions, just said "OK, thanks, have a good day".
I saw other people in the waiting room being called for their oath letter after the interview, so some do get it on the same day (not the oath ceremony, but the letter)
I was not the lucky one, and now it's been 3 months and no word from the INS.
I am going to inquire about my name check status with fbi by sending them fax. Hate to be in the limbo, but i found out on this forum i am not the only one, and this is a standard procedure
Thanks mfar! Did you bring any documents with you, and did they ask you to show anything? It's wierd that some people have their citiz in 5-6 months and others wait for 1-2 years!
Mfar...finally u posted ur detailed interview experience, thanks for that.
yeah i am sure how u feel not to be given oath letter same day, that was good thing in boston and advantage in boston but dont worry u have been thru the most of it. did u mail ur name check inquiry yet or not.?

and by the way did interviewer asked u for any documents? like tax returns, passport, green card or DL? because u didnt mention if u were asked for anything at all.
i did bring the documents that were mentioned on the interview notification letter + the documents that i thought might be helpful: past year's tax return, paycheck, divorce papers, driver's license
the intervewer did NOT ask for ANY of those!!!! But bring them anyway :)
i think my case was very simple (single, working, no kids)
but then again, god knows what's holding it
i was told that it is standard, and they are back-logged, and i just need patience, which i have so far :)
Also, mfar, why didn't push to get the FBI complete your name check before the interview? As you said, your FP was in Dec, correct and your interview wa 7 months later if I'm right! I think it's a mtter of time until you get your oath cerem so patience is a vertu :)
Is patience just a virtue or is it forced on us by the USCIS? Hmm... If we cannot patiently wait, what else can we do? It will only effect our health.

Thanks INS for goading us towards virtues and God because we have to be patient and beleive in our God that one day everything will be straightened out! LOL
Itsmetraveler (and other friends of this forum),
The reason i did not push with my name check inquiry during the time between the FP and interveiw was because 2 months after I got FP done i got the interview letter! I was happy and thought that that was pretty fast! Anybody would! Plus, i had NO idea there is such a thing as name check...I had not idea when it's done - before the interview or after.
Now i know that those things are very some cases the name check is done before the interview, in others - after.
All i know is that I applied in November 2003 and i still have 2 months before i can say:"Well, it's been a year now, let me do something about it".
Until my interveiw in July 2004 the whole process was going VERY smoothly: INS was staying in touch with me by mail pretty well, so there was no need to woory.
At this point (and i said it in other posts on this forum) i am waiting for another couple of months and then start acting :)

I would suggest faxing an inquiry to fbi about ur name check thing. because inquiry would take 4 to 6 weeks, and PLUS u have nothing to lose, and it wont delay ur oath or anything in anyway. Plus point is that u would know about ur name check.
My interview is in october 2004 but i already faxed inquiry in july and got responce in august telling me name check was completed on august 9th.
atleast i know its done. so for you there is nothing to lose.
just my 2 cents.
hi shaky,
thanks. i think i will do that. can you tell me what exactly you faxed to fbi?
there is also a phone number i got from i think Rahul's message.
do you think i can do that over the phone?
mfar said:
hi shaky,
thanks. i think i will do that. can you tell me what exactly you faxed to fbi?
there is also a phone number i got from i think Rahul's message.
do you think i can do that over the phone?

Nopes u can not do that by phone.

There are two forms u want to fax.
1 FIOPA request
2 name check inquiry

u will find those both forms in rahuls ( our new moderator ) pdf file. and also numbers where u will fax them. both have to be faxed to diff numbers so make sure u do it right.
oh and one more thing... u will find template for FIOPA request there but to fax name check inquiry u will have to make one for ur self.

Just print it out and fax. make sure u include ur details
full name
date of birth
place and country of birth
A #
social security number
address and phone number
e mail address and/or fax number
INS case number
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Now i am confused. You are saying to fax both now. Rahul says to wait on the name check inquiry but do the foipa request. I thought one request is part of the other.
mfar said:
Now i am confused. You are saying to fax both now. Rahul says to wait on the name check inquiry but do the foipa request. I thought one request is part of the other.

Well.. if rahul said to file only FIOPA then its up to u.

FIOPA = it will tell u if FBI has any record on ur name
Name check inquiry = it will tell u if ur name is done or still pending.

its up to u which one u wanna fax. if u wanna know about ur name check if its done or not then u file name check inquiry. IF u ask what i did? well i faxed both of them.
Request for Rahul

Hi Rahul,

Can you pls put a thread, among the other threads, for Boston DO. It'll be helpful for those of us who are in Boston to check them out.

Thanks for your time!
Speeding ticket after filing N400

Hi guys,

Can someone tell me what to do in this case: I got a ticket for a speeding (54 mph/35mph) 2 weeks after I filed and sent my application (I was not arrested or convicted; the officer gave the choice of either paying or contesting the violation so I just decided to pay)......I sent a check to pay the ticket a week later and know now that my check has been taken out from my bank account. What sould I do now? Send the copies of the ticket and the check or what?

Thanks for ur help!
Get a certified court deposition of your case. Contact the court. Save a copy of the ticket / cheque to give to the court