Any more with March 31, 2000 RD?

Kavitha Ratnakaram

Registered Users (C)
My 485 RD is March 31, 2000 and ND is May 9, 2000. I talked to IIO for the first time yesterday, she told me that "they are processing 9/99 applications and doesn\'t know how long it will take my case to approve". Any approvals with or near these dates? My receipt number is SRC-00-164-XXXXX. FP done on July 21, 2000. My second EAD is also pending. IIO told me that it is approved and waiting for the signature. EAD dates are RD Feb 9, 2001 and ND Feb 14, 2001; SRC-01-102-XXXXX. Any responses welcome. Thanks
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RD March 30, 2000.
ND May 5, 2000.
FP July 12, 2000.
on 2nd EAD and waiting and waiting and waiting....
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I found there there two group people been approved.

RD before 07/99 (Offical Answer) or 09/00 (latest post)
RD around 04/00 (My friends and some post here)
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Country: India
Cat: EB3
ND: Jan 2000
RD: Jan 2000
FP: April 2000
AP/EAD: twice
PD: Feb 1998

Still waiting... :-(
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Please be patient. The ND of my case is Nov. 1999, EB-2, China, have not got any news. Patient, Patient, finally, you will get your approval notice.
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Hello all,
I got my I140 approved - EB2 TSC.. am current

MMR - Administered
Varicella - Had chicken-pox when a child
Tetanus - Doctor said, they don\'t have Tetanus vaccine available
as there is a nationwide shortage and mentioned the same in the
medical form(copy given to me)... I already have the sealed envelopes
from the INS Doctor, which might be carrying the same information
Now, will I stand a chance of getting a RFE from INS.
If, now I scout around, get tetanus vaccine for me and my wife from some other hospital.. how can i vget it refelcted in the I-693 form. OR
can i just enclose the endorsment given by the other doctor in my 485
filing papers, just to avoid any RFE from TSC during my 485 stage???

please suggest... got so near.. now am spending time in tension...

Thanks in advance

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Country: India
Cat: EB3
ND: Sep 99
RD: Aug 30, 99
FP: Dec 99
AP/EAD: twice. Applied for the third time
Still waiting... :-(
Do I have to submit FPs again?

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SRC 00-132-xxxxx, EB2 India, ND March 31, 2000. Still Waiting...Spoke to IIO last week, she said they are processing November 99 other useful information....