Any more MAY guys waiting or its only me what a nightmare

RD 05/02/01; ND 07/19/01

Don\'t worry. I am also on the same boat. In fact, started the process at the beginning of 1997. Not over yet.
Yes, I talked to IIO today

The dumb IIO told me that as mine is July 19th date(ND 07/19), it will take 1 year from July 19th. I was told to be patient.
Talked to IIO, She says... it is pending ...

I have no idea... what pending means. Can anyone enlighten me please?
pending means exactly that, .. pending..

It is waiting for a decison. Does not necessarily mean it is being looked at.
Spoke with IIO

I was told that my case was assigned to an Officer and it will take between 30 and 60 days for a decision.

PD 1/98
RD 5/16/2001
FP 11/2001

I\'ve waited for 4 years - what\'s another month!
Lots of guys from March/April are still waiting ..

You need to wait for your turn .. could be you are less fortune then other May/June approved guys ..