any more June apps ?

Looks like all the who were active got approved like GBMGC.....

more than that June approval is not news any more, guys are on to July cases............
I am not approved either
RD 06/25 ND 08/14
No. Still waiting here. RD:6/22/01

Upset to see others get approved even July RD has some approvals, but I am still waiting here.
No Title

I am still waiting too.. RD 06/15, ND 08/13, FP 12/07.
Apparently there\'re lots of June filers still waiting


Corect me if I\'m wrong but judging from what I read here it seems that way more than 50% of the June filers are still waiting. According to the lists I saw posted here, about 35% of the June applicants are approved at this point.

Has anybody heard otherwise?

I want to believe the March still belong to June filers...

Some July cases maybe also get approval, but most of the approvals will still be June filers.
No Title

Could it be that they are processing June cases in alphabetic order?
My last name starts with "Z"..:)
No. My last name begin with C..

If your guess is correct, I already get my approval 3 weeks ago.
No Title

Another observation from my friends was that VSC works in somewhat
3 month cycles. By the end of the December they processed some good chuck of March cases and then there was almost complete standstill till the end of January. During that month or so they processed almost all EADs and soem other stuff. Then at the end of Jan most of remaining March applications were approved, quickly followed by most of April, May and some of June. Now it feels like they almost stopped.
They processed most of April within 2 weeks. I have about dozen of friends - filers from March/April/May and some of June - and all got approved in last 30 days or so, with the latest approval 10 days ago. The first June approvals came around Feb 8. And I guess the most of June cases is still outstanding. So, they obviously slowed down.
don\'t think so

My last name is B***** and I\'m still not approved. (RD 6/20, ND 9/14). Sometimes it seems they go by EAC/ND although they say otherwise.

Another Waiter

I guess we NH guys have to be last to be FP and last to be approved.

Right Dreamingtobe

I got my approval on 3/11/02.

I checked AVM today (3/12/01).
Per AVM, my case is approved on 3/11/02.